Little shadows
My two little shadows, They follow my lead, And are there when I need, Oh, sweet sweet shadows I can only see, Two little ones who laugh and run, Who dream in the moon and bicker in the sun, Can't you see my small sweet shadows, for I will...
Accepted, a poem by roxelle,
Unaccepted, I felt as I journeyed into an unfamilar place, Afraid, I was as I walked through the gates, Alone, I am without a home, Annoyed, I felt when you called me names, Upset, I felt when I ran away, Love, I think it was as I knew you...
Roxelle's babysitting...adventure?
As roxelle pulled up to her apartment she got a text. She then parked the car and pulled up the text on her phone, "dear roxelle, my little girl needs to be babysat while i go to the store and grab a few things. can u help? After reading the text...