End of the year

The sun shines through my window It gleams beautifully, so precious and joyful It shines radiantly, so pretty and just Walking through my little small town I wanna feel free from the pain and hurt for where greater things wait for me Nestled in...

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'F' is for the Fun I have with my friends 'U' is for the Unearthing of discoveries about myself 'R' is for the Recovery of my health since joining the fandom 'R' is for the relief of finding like minded people 'Y' is for the Yarn I weave, the...


Emotions are a fickle thing, how can we answer the question of how we're feeling, when we feel so much? Constantly... I feel joy knowing I have the support of family and friends I feel anger at my inferiority to others I feel sadness at the losses...


Chapter 3 - A new found purpose

Location: The Detragan \> Morning on the Detragan. \> Though Nexis and Tiber are still sleeping in their bed, Sarah and Claire sit at the cockpit of the ship staring out across the grand open blue sky that's spread out in front of them. The sun...

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Sabrina Yarn - Character Biography

Sabrina Yarn: Character Bio "Amazingly most of the world's problems are solved through simple and easy physical acts. A hug for example" > \> Name and Species Sabrina Yarn is a Felidae (Cat) type Felpier (Furry). She is 21 years old >...


Prologue - To Safeguard the Future

\>\> Lotra City; Raining \> Lux, A pale face girl wearing a simple blue dress walks along the streets of Lotra in the pouring rain her long cyan hair falling to the back of her knees. She's holding the hand of a girl no older than eight. Tamashi now a...



We walk around our towns and cities Going about our daily lives for this and that Along the way we here the abject committees Their opinions forced upon us as though they spat. Yet even within our closest allies Our those who lies and those who...
