Arvians - Reprieve
Reprieve An Arvian Loresinger Tale By Isiat Carcer Tolk was dying. There was no disguising it any longer. Edelweiss-on-High's Master blacksmith was staring down his final weeks with all the grace and strength he could muster, which...
Arvians - The First Loresinger
"There are six of them and two of us, in case you hadn't noticed. The odds aren't favourable, and you're taking risks like a fledge." Kleng whispered. One wouldn't suspect an almost nine-foot Arvian to be anything resembling stealthy, and yet, flat...
Tribal Diplomacy
Tribal Diplomacy An Arvian Tale By Isiat Carcer Bringing the twins had not been part of Isiat's original plan. In fact, the twins had not at all been involved in his plan. The twins would ask questions, cause trouble, and likely not...
How can one visit the facilities?
How can one visit the facilities? Put simply, one can't, unless one is either very well connected, influential, in the know, or wanted by the Royal Kyruku Intelligence Group. These methods may have varying levels of just how satisfying and...
Where does everyone fit in Kyruku society?
Where does everyone fit in society? Everyone in Kyruku society is viewed as an important part of a vastly larger machine that is the ideal of working towards a united effort for the good of the empire as a greater whole. Is there any sort of classism...
Life in the Facilities
Life in the Facilities For those Kyruku who do not venture to the surface to live their lives out above the ground, the facilities act as the primary home for the majority of citizens. The facilities are large, deep underground cities in themselves,...
A brief history of Kyruku
A brief history of Kyruku Kyruku society's first contact with Earth came almost a century after the formal cessation of hostilities that marked the end of the Tel'vorsa wars, some time around 492 A.D. A Kyruku exploration probe passed through the...
What are some Kyruku customs?
What are some Kyruku customs? Kyruku culture is as diverse as the stars are many, and there are many, many topics to cover in this section, as their customs can differ from place to place with startling rapidity. Let us toss a dart at the board and...
Fera, or 'Quadruped' Kyruku
Fera, or 'Quadruped' Kyruku Quadruped, or 'Fera Vulpes Kyrukus' (Meaning 'Feral Vulpine Kyruku', in latin), often shortened to 'Fera', are found much smaller numbers than the typical anthropomorphic Kyruku, due to their population being drastically...
Where can Kyruku be found?
Where can Kyruku be found? Kyruku are very scientifically driven, and as such, many times, their career choices and backgrounds will come as a result of their upbringing in their home 'Facilities', deep underground complexes that house millions and...
What is A Kyruku?
What is a Kyruku? Kyruku are a species of both anthropomorphic and quadruped canines, belonging to the genus Vulpes. There exists amongst them many different sub species, all suited to different climates in the species distant past. Kyruku are a...
London Calling - Prologue : Live on BBC
The view on the T.V screen flickered for a moment, the image of scenic downtown London as seen from a distance overshadowed by the pillars of smoke that rose from buildings, and the amber glow of flames, masses of tiny human blobs crowding almost every...