Cold War, Colder Blood
Cold War, Colder Blood A Tale from the Agent's Lounge During the Cold War some of the prospective agents had been engaged in very aggressive activities; especially the undercover cops and Special Forces types. A few, like our Chief of Staff Silver,...
Fear The prisoner came too to find himself naked and chained to a sturdy wooden chair which was bolted to the floor. The room he was in was small, about twelve by twelve he guessed. The floor was cement. The walls were black. A single bright light...
The End is Where We Start From
The End is Where We Start From A tale from the Agent's lounge As I was saying the last time we talked, hardly anyone, myself excluded, ever grows up intending to be an espionage agent, intelligence analyst or assassin. My case is the exception...
Tales From the Agent's Lounge - Prologue
**Tales from the Agent's Lounge** Prologue Call me Gray, and not because it's my name, although it is, but rather because that is what I am: the gray man, the invisible one, the sponge that absorbs fears and desires and secrets and keeps them safe...
Close Shave
A Close Shave Sheriff Brown heard the rumour that the gunslinger Silver was in town, getting a trim at the local barber, so he decided to mosey on down there for a look see. He entered the barber shop carefully, cautiously, casually,...