Chapter Five

Chapter Five Seventeen years previous... He looked out of the car window, watching the traffic glide by as they passed the huge towers in the Upper City of Crystal Lake. Space was at a premium on this island city so all the privileged...

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File #8

File #8 The Warrior was still trapped within the thermal layer of Eranus III. However that was unlikely to last forever. The layer itself had helped to slow the descent of the ship into an abyss of pressure but eventually the lifeline would be cut...

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File #7

File #7 The Warrior had been helplessly trapped within the thermal layer of methane for almost three hours and Chief Muraco was still no closer to solving the problem. The captain had been taken to sickbay with a severe head wound and Commander...

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File #6

File #6 Commander Tempest slowly tried to edge himself off the floor of the bridge, his vision blurred as the ship was in utter chaos. He could hear the echoes of voices shouting and the sounds of explosions around him but nothing seemed to come...

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Star Trek: Warrior - "Legacy"

File #1 - "Legacy" "Captain Raymond Nicholson, U.S.S. Warrior, Reporting..." "We have completed our first test of the U.S.S. Warrior's black project... The ship performed admirably... I only wish I could say the same for her crew. Starfleet...

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File #5

File #5 "Sensors confirm, it's definitely a Federation signal..." The Warrior silently slipped into orbit of the third planet of the Eranus system, the blue clouds of frozen methane swirling beneath them, similar to Neptune within the Sol system and...

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File #4

File #4 Space was silent... The Eranus system was a perfect example of this, a rather benign and unremarkable system inside the Neutral Zone, an area of space that intersected both Federation and Romulan territory. Originally, the Neutral Zone was...

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File #3

File #3 The inner workings of Starbase 248 had always been a thing of wonder. The station resembled a giant "mushroom", with a huge north section that was capable of housing many different starships, with ships constantly coming and going. The...

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File #2

File #2 "You have violated my standing orders!" Greyfell had heard this far too many times as he sat across the conference room, looking over the human Fleet Admiral that sat across from him. "Admiral..." replied Greyfell, with a calmness...

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File #1

File #1 "Alex, you've really annoyed them this time..." Captain Alexander Greyfell stared into the ominous black liquid of his coffee cup, not wanting to look up at his First Officer, across the ready room table. A Worker Bee flew past the...

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