WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.2)
The laughing and teasing discussions went on for almost an hour before the be-ringed form of Chris with Grev at his side came strolling up to the group. "Right, time to get back you sorry excuses! I'd have thought you lot had at least learned...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.0)
Snow held his brothers hand. He watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Chris sat quietly nearby. The Grandmaster had had him carry Skye up to his room and lay him down on the bed. The room wasn't big and it felt even more cramped with the...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.1)
Snow awoke to the early morning light faintly glowing through the curtains. He snuggled closer to Tess, her roommate had decided to let them have the cabin to themselves for the night. He lay there for a while with her in his arms, until the morning...
REIKI SESSION - inner travels
This is pretty much a true story. I just recently went for a second Reiki treatment. Funny enough, I think I met my true furry self in it. Weird huh? I thought some people might like to read about it....
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.5)
_Almost seven months have gone by since the choosing_ Skye thought to himself quietly. He thought about the scant few times that he'd gotten to see his brother. Snow had seemed happy though and Skye could swear that his brother had grown even taller....
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.4)
Chris stalked through the woods, hunched over he slipped through the shadows. He was glad to be outside the confining walls of the Castle grounds. Although he'd become more accustomed to his new life in the past two months of time, he still missed his...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.3)
Skye held the writing stick in his hand uncomfortably. It kept feeling like it was about to shoot out of his grip and his hand was already hurting from the strange new way he was forcing it to hold something. The Grandmaster had wasted little time in...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.2)
Skye, Snow and Chris sat down, looking out at the thin clouds skidding lazily across the sky. All three of them sat in silence, each of them wracking their brains as to what to say, finally Chris broke the impasse. "Thank you for waking me up." Snow...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.1)
Time stretched lazily by and Snow slowly got acquainted to his new body. He flexed his muscles one by one, starting at his paws and working his way up. Sometimes it took a while for his mind to make the connection and get the right muscle to flex. He...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.4)
He followed the Wolven female through hallways, turning left and right seemingly at her whim. Finally they came to a great stone door. "Here we are, in you go" she said. Chris looked at the door, trying to spot a handle or the crack where it must...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.3)
Insistent shaking brought him awake, his eyes flew open and were greeted by the sight of Ukon. "Wake up you dolt!" Ukons harsh voice snarled. "Put these on and hurry up!" he snarled again tossing a bundle of cloth on the bed. "Now!" he ordered, seening...
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.2)
The soldiers led the way into the night, Chris's horse being guided by the soldier still holding the reins. Chris shivered, not only from fear. The air was cold with the onset of winter and Chris had only in his haste put on his trousers. He snaked his...