The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: The Ballad of Siljna Now understand when I tell you that the land as we know it has existed far longer than even the wolves. It has seen the forming of dark seas, and the thrust upward of land. And with land came bright spring green. It...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Back to Shadow King Besegrare had given up, his frustration great and his sense of loss greater. He and his wolves were well on their way home. When Vacka heard the news, he felt that he should be overjoyed. That wolf's meddling soldiers...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Order of the Flame There were some, in the days that followed, that would see Besegrare punished. "Let him hang," they said. "A life for a life, for our true King!" It was only a few who dared openly oppose him -- a select few who had...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Molokhn Slain Our world is very old, and full of ghosts. Across these sprawling, ancient lands, there is no place without spirits, no town without ruin. But there is one place and one name alone which stands cursed above the rest. Gryning....

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: In the Lair of Slumbering Shadow Vacka, the Hand of the Dark, waited in a small stone hut. It was built into the side of a cliff and had only a narrow path running up to it. The climb was strenuous, and any beast who approached would have...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: The Sorcerer The immortal spread beneath the waves like a spilled blot of ink, Rheuhl stretching out and out and out... In between the isles of the Strait the inky darkness flowed, through the channel of Himmel, into the sea off the coasts...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 27

Chapter 27: The Queen Winter's chill had finally taken Gryning. Leaves had finished falling, and their brittle bodies had long-since crumbled away, leaving the bare skeleton trees exposed. The evergreens of the Kvalsdimm held tightly to their dark...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Exile It had been a difficult road for the exile. His life had taken him across many kingdoms, had shown him more than most beasts could ever expect to see. Yet he walked in sorrow, shunned by his own company, sent out of the kingdoms...

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She Woke Up In The Woods

She Woke Up In The Woods She woke up in the woods. There were trees all around her. They grew closer together than in the parts of the woods she knew. Darkness enveloped her like a fog, but at least that part was normal -- she came to the woods...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 24

Chapter 24: The Pyre The attempt on Besegrare's life was on everybeast's mind the next morning. Word had spread quickly, but the identity of the assassin was yet unknown. This had aroused serious suspicion. Who could have done such a thing? The wolves...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 23

Part 3: The Storm Breaking Chapter 23: The Attempt Many beasts now roamed those halls who had lost their trust in Besegrare. He had been welcomed to the crown as a hero, because of the tyrant he'd slain. But they had never examined whether the...

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The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. III

Interlude A Vixen's Tale - Continued "That's enough for now," Jula said. The vixen stood and cracked her back loudly, then yawned. Luna put down her pen. She stretched her hands, feeling the muscles twitch. The sheaf of papers next to her had...

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