Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials

Masters of the holy arts and professional users of the arcane. Although a bit on the snobbish side. Traditions:- The Celestials like to hold art contests in their free time, with the different species using their own natural abilities to create...

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Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones

Adventurers of the deep and collectors of forgotten treasures. Them being underwater creatures, they are only affiliated with water or water related magic or abilities. Traditions:- The Deep Ones have a yearly festival of sorts. Most of the Deep...

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El Dorado Online #1

"All right everyone. Put down our pens, give me your papers and I will see you after the summer break" A teacher said to his students. It was the mid-terms before summer break in Japan and the students have just finished their final exam before going...

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Just Like Clockwork #01

The place is a city called Moonshire. Resembling the old era of noir and steam machines. The location: An office in the shady parts of the city. Seven figures sat around a table, playing poker. Upon closer inspection, the figures were four young men...

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Nether Encyclopaedia: The Realm.

The homeworld of all Netherbeasts. It consists of five continents Eizeldarm: the home of the Void Walkers:- The place is usually in constant night time, with very brief moments of sunlight. The main city has a mix of victorian and gothic style to...

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Kaiju Chaos; Manual.

Kaiju Chaos. Real World:- The story takes place in the year 2130, the world became familiar in many aspects of advanced technology, like hard light, solid holographic projection, where mere holograms have a physical sensation to them. But the...

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P.O.D.S Manual

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, we are absolutely thrilled that you decided to get a P.O.D.S of your own. What is a P.O.D.S you ask? Well, it's none other than the latest in communication and cyber-operations technology, the Personal Operations...

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