Lykos-Redemption Act II Ch. 1

Which was 1 drachma of silver | | ^ 1 talent=6000 drachmae | ^\* 1 mina= 100 drachmae | | ^\*\*agora=marketplace | ^\*\*\*proto-lykánthropos= proto-werewolf | | ^\*\*\*\*symposion=all male banquet | #himation=an ancient greek cloak

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Relic By Xenny Diemes The ever-busy Dr. Runeflame is a woman with mastery of both machines and the biosciences on one hand, and a brutal bruiser on the other, Creator and unfortunate user of the hypernites that made her into the powerful soldier...

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Vignette by SakaraFox Art by [FaeSeiren]( Golden light streamed through the palisades of grass as the sun sank behind them, swallowed by the mud as dusk settled over the rolling...

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 16: Black-Winged Angels

The ancient dragon could not hold his satisfaction as he saw the runes and scripts with languages he still knew.

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Festive Preparations

The Lavvu shelter shuddered as the roaring winds battered it, the birch frame creaking as it gently flexed - many herbs and dried meats swinging from side to side as it did. But the reindeer hide walls held firm, stretched tightly across the frame with...

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The Ancient Clock of the Mice the ancient clock of the mice by calextheneko "hickory dickory dock. the mouse ran up the clock." aurum was sitting on the couch in calex's home, once again babysitting the werekitten.

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Fatal Radiance - Chapter 11

**Chapter 11: Sun, Shine Eternally** Khaba was sitting on Lucille's back as they were standing at the harbor and waiting for everyone to finally come. The otter was focused on the sea ahead of them, looking to where Altradia was lying. "Soon we will...

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Ra's Begining

Anubis brushed sand off of his shoulder as he stepped through a sandy vail, "You know for being great magical beings we would've thought of different ways of teleportation..." The Jackal stood at a very tall height as he admired the view in front of...

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The Expedition

ancient, decaying buildings lined the road. their walls were cracked and many were destroyed.

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Lakeside Leisure

The forest shone a deep bronze, the dawn light pierced the dense canopy of birch, pine, and spruce in sparkling rays. The bracken seemed to reach for the light, so often starved of it deep in the forest. Broad patches of lavender, and tiny sprouts of...

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The Centurion

The Centurion _By_ _Argo D.D._ "_Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us...I too have write it that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received_."...

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The Hunt

By now the sun had crested the horizon, shining in all its eye-watering glory down upon the creatures that slept and skittered under a canopy of ancient pine and birch. "so it is."

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