A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 1 [Archives]
amber gulped.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seventy
#74 of amber silverblood held in hendricks' captivity and trapped in her wolf form, amber can do nothing but wait to see what the demon has planned for her. his client is named dan fisher, and he's got some... interesting plans for amber.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixty
#64 of amber silverblood amber and kimberly finally get to see dr. munse, but something about him seems a little... normal.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fifty
#53 of amber silverblood d.k. comes a-knockin' on amber's door, with orders for her to go collect another payment. can she summon up the guts to do as her alpha says this time?
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Nineteen
#19 of amber silverblood amber tries to explain things to kimberly. it goes about as well as expected...
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Eighteen
#18 of amber silverblood amber has a little chat with dex about what's going on. can he restore her trust in him? doubt it... chapter eighteen dex took us back to our room in silence.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Seventeen
#17 of amber silverblood dex comes to amber and kimberly's rescue, but all isn't well yet. amber can't go back to living on her own, and kimberly needs someone to take care of her.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixteen
Next time: yay, amber and kimberly are both going free! but first amber needs to have a little talk with dex...
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fifteen
amber may be out of hot water, but what about kimberly?
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fourteen
#14 of amber silverblood amber takes kimberly outside to find out whether she's dead, or if she's become a werewolf. unfortunately, they are interrupted by an unwelcome visitor...
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Thirteen
#13 of amber silverblood amber goes with dex and edgar to retrieve kimberly. has amber turned her into a werewolf- or is she simply dead? how will amber cope either way?
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Eight
#8 of amber silverblood kidnapped by majestic, amber finds out that there might not be a light at the end of her tunnel.