1:6 Freak
alias noticed a note next to the picture of the cat. apparently hets would pay double if it looked like a suicide. alias sighed. that ruled out poisons, sniping, and car bombs; the later of which was too public for alias anyway.
1:2 Weakness
"you look upset, alias." alias heard as he passed through a junction in the hallway. atir, the gazelle, stood leaning against the wall. "what?" alias replied with a bite in his tone.
1:17 Blackwell
If all went well, he'd just drop jenna off, and alias would move a few spots down hets's "to kill" list. which would be enough time for alias to get the hell out of dodge, so to speak. but alias had to wait.
1:21 Refuge
alias remained very still, only his chest rising and falling. "wha..." alias jerked slightly. "...sorry, what'd you say?" however, jenna didn't bother to repeat her question. she knew alias was already gone.
3:2 Doctor Who?
alias trailed off, dropping his eyes to the table. she sat for a moment, looking over at alias with hopes that he would say more. "try." jenna encouraged after the black fox gave no further explanation. alias shook his head.
1:11 Split Decision
alias stood there doing nothing; neither helping her or aiding the wolves. tears streaming down her pretty face, jenna looked over to alias. there was a look in her eyes that alias recognized.
1:16 A Harsh Reality
Not with alias standing next to her. "did you get it?" she asked. alias looked over at her. "what?" "your information, what we came down here for, did you get it?" "oh," alias realized, "no not yet.
1:18 Echo From The Past
alias shrugged innocently, "i left a fifty." a smile broke across jenna's muzzle as her mind produced a mental image of alias routing through dryers of women's clothes. "i can't believe you." she said, half amused at alias's antics.
2:9 Falling Away
What could it be that had alias zoned out like this? time slowed for jenna as she watched as the rocks glass slipped from alias's paw, shattering as it smashed against the glass floor of the club, flying into pieces. alias snapped out of his trance.
1:32 Worlds Apart
alias looked back at her, the corners of his muzzle turning upward ever so slightly. "i know." "i'm sorry you lost everything..." alias shrugged.
2:17 The Ties That Bind
She didn't know what had happened to alias before she was here. mick was suddenly struck with the urge to try and explain. _hey, alias._ mick's mind flashed back to that day in palamont when jenna had first arrived with alias.
3:9 Lucid
How many times alias had drawn her he could only guess, but as if she had stepped from the surface of the papers he drawn on, alias's mystery zebra stood there before him.