Getaway: Parts 1 & 2 (AaO Side Story)

#66 of against all odds universe done with his studies and out in the wider world, kaz is doing his best to kick on and move himself onwards and upwards in his home city of zelengorod.

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My tail wagged against the side of the walkway's covering, swinging even harder as i spun myself one-eighty.

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Against All Odds: Epilogue

#43 of against all odds universe and here, as promised, is the epilogue to against all odds - the very final part of nate and alex's tale.

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The odds are against me:chapter 5

#2 of the odds are against me the 5th part of my thrilling serise contaning more drama than all of them combined chapter with anger,love,depression,and more ending with a exciteing cliffhanger after preparing breakfast and getting me and justin ready

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odds are against me:chapter 2

#4 of the odds are against me the exciting sequel to my first story chalked full of romance as david's mom thinkes john might be a nice replace ment for his real father but is david ready after his real father hit him over the head with a shovel and he has

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Against a Tree (Otherwise Untitled)

#135 of short stories a bluejay hides against a tree. ~ the blue jay huddled in against the base of the tree, surrounded otherwise by bushes, rain torrenting, and the stuttering rumble of thunder.

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#81 of against all odds universe hey there. happy to present the latest story i've been working on in my against all odds universe.

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Foundations: Part 6 (AaO Side Story)

#59 of against all odds universe part 6: this probably could have been combined with part 5, but y'know, an 11,000+ word chapter seemed a bit much. either way... it's time to see what follows from what came before...

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the odds are against me chapter 4

#3 of the odds are against me the thrilling forth part to my series contaning jucie romance and chilling cliff hangers aouthers note; sorry high scool is catching up to me plus form october 24 im bussy starting at the 24th casue its my birth day then my

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the odds are against me chapter 3

#5 of the odds are against me veronica   "ok this is getting old give them back now!" i h... veronica "ok this is getting old give them back now!"

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The odds are against me: chapter 6

David's mom burst in only pausing a second after seeing me before walking over to David and whispering in his ear. The look of fear that spread across David's face was enough to break my heart all over again. He whimpered in fear before burying his...

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