And so with adoption an unthinkable possibility, i took her into my care. "yes, a pleasure to meet you mr. carmielle! i'm colorado, and i've been expecting you." i heard him say, interrupting my train of though.
As One-Ch.2: Family
Celia was adopted. so that means that krystal doesn't have any real children of her own. it makes sense as to why she doesn't feel weird about adopting me now. something tells me that she was hoping for someone like me to come waltzing into her life.
Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, "Echo", and Local Wildlife
"Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, 'Echo', and Local Wildlife" _by Brian Colfxire._ **COORDINATES OF WORLD** : Within the NGC 224 (Andromeda Galaxy), SPS 403 (Solar Planetary Systems), name designation of home world,...
My New Life Ch11
._** in those few seconds i knew he was ment for us, he then went up to aaron "are you gonna adopt me too?" he asked. "hopefully." aaron said then coty hugged aaron as well. later we were talking with miss. smith. "so how is aden?"
My New Life Ch10
Are you thinking about adoption?" she asked "yes, me and me mate wanted a cub and since we're both males that can't happen." i said. "i see, we just had a nice couple of wolves adopted a cub." she said. "jake and adrian?" i asked.
Jade's Origin Story
Finally i explain how jade became archer's adopted brother and what happened to his parents.
The Story of Mitskuni (Part One)
Him and his lover, mattie, a yellow yoshi, had always wanted a child of their own, ever since they started going out at age 17, but deemed themselves too young to adopt, and too poor at the time for seregacy, but tonight is about to change all of that.
Chapter One: The Adoption Agency
He spoke, "i wish to meet flaky, i was her care taker before i left for war, and i also wish for the adoption agent to be there i am looking to adopt" the young girl behind the desk nodded and smiled warmly, "of course room 4 if you will, i will have them
From Friend to Family
Please keep your hopes up and know that one day, the right family will adopt you.
Adoption (Different Pokemon Arc)
"you both looking to adopt a pokemon?" was all he asked, to which both of them nodded and were promptly given applications to fill out, to which they both did in record time.
The feel of his embrace
Well I bet you are wondering why I'm writing to you, it's a bit of a long story, in fact it's my whole life really. It started back when I was fifteen and my parents brought me to this caravan park, where I'm staying right now. Sand Haven, a small park...
Chapter 17-nonsense
This is an extended version of a dream jason has in my first novel, in which he dreams he has mysteriously become ellie's adoptive son.