The First World

The First World By Shadow Night In all the known universe there exists a world like no other, cut off and guarded for it's own safety so that its inhabitants may be safe from there own existence which on any other world would...


A Silent Observer

She took one sip. It was all she really needed. Just enough to get the taste to soak her lips with the acidic taste of the alcohol. She had hoped that by sitting alone that it would send to signal to any man that wanted to hook up with her tonight that...


World war VI: characters

WORLD WAR VI CHARACTER Name: David thorn Place of birth: Gender: male Species: German shepherd Age: 58 Height: 6 feet 5.5 Weight: 213 Rank: fleet admiral Personality: aggressive, viscous, overprotective Name: Max Place of birth:...


World war VI: classified

Justin: good morning Admiral, you wanted to see me sir? Dave: yes, take a seat please, this might take some time, do you know why I wanted to speak with you in private? Justin: no sir, but I was told that it was very important and a urgent matter, is...

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World war VI: characters

WORLD WAR VI CHARACTER This will probably be updated in the future. Name: David thorn Place of birth: Gender: male Species: German shepherd Age: 58 Height: 6 feet 5.5 Weight: 213 Rank: fleet admiral Personality: aggressive, viscous,...

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The world itself: The continents are still in the very early stages of breaking apart and drifting, similar to Pangea. Large bodies of water, either lakes, swamps, or massive rivers divide the continents into three main land masses with archipelagos...

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Anatomy of a Being

We are created in the image of the Creators. It is written in the First Text, and if the statues are at all accurate, one can see the similarities. They are a tall and powerful people, with deft fingers, sharp minds, and smooth skin. Like moving...


Sacred Families

Hello, curious reader. I, Sir Reginald the Clever, proudly write this for you, who seeks the mysteries of our past and can see how they shape our present. Long ago, when we were servants of the Creators, we were tasked with the conquering and taming...


The Rusted Promise

Promise, land of the proud and perfect beings. Land where any being can reach for the stars and be whatever he or she wants to be. Don't you believe it. Don't you believe it for a minute. I've read that, so called, writing. What you have to remember is...


Church of the Creators

The Creators Church, or Church of the Creators, was founded long before our arrival on Promise. Before I can discuss the church, I must explain the religion behind it. We are but an infant people. Our patrons, parents, and guides have existed for tens...


The Magic of Promise

One of the greater gifts given to us by the Creators. As brute beasts, we knew nothing of the wonders of grasping the raw forces of the cosmos and turning them to our own devices. Now, this knowledge is seeped into our very bloodlines. This is most...


Understanding the Shadow

Let us begin with their arrival. With the Shattering, Raquestia, the old moon, was destroyed. With the debris, they came. It was not clear at first. They seemed to hide in the rocks, barely visible in the corner of the eye and a faint whisper. Most...
