Eevee's Journey, Part 4.

Snow. At least that's what the small Eevee thought it was, but Xerany knew better. It was ash, grey foul ash that fell from the sky. They both walked through the burning city, the flames dancing around inside the houses they passed. It had been a few...

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Paw Prints In The Snow

**Paw Prints In The Snow** We began our adventure, Very lost and unsure, Not knowing our location, Or our destination, Leaving paw prints in the snow. We felt alone at first, Close to our worst, But then we found each other, And went...

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Final Notes

They made it by the way. Anyway guys, after two long years, this story has FINALLY come to a close, much like Cameron and Raf's journey. As always, thanks to the people who read, liked and commented. Especially you Ashley, I hope you can come back to...

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Pandemic-Day 51 3:39 PM 1/12/2023-The Final Hours

"Ricky?", I asked again, 'who were those guys?" Ricky sighed, "I couldn't tell you exactly, all I know for sure is that their rich fuckers who consider themselves to be in charge of the remaining survivors. When I split off, I remember they were...

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Pandemic-Day 51 11:59 AM 1/12/2023-Black Ford

The next two days were spent pretty much upstairs and packing bags. Ricky's condition had improved over those two days, going from yellow skinned and dangerously skinny to regaining his color and putting on a few pounds. Abbie, Raf and I got to...

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Pandemic-Day 49 1:15 AM 1/10/2023-Ricky

I looked at her for a moment before replying. "You want the truth?", I asked, "or what you wanna hear?" "The truth", Abbie said. "Yeah", I nodded, 'we are, as soon as Raf is better." Abbie sighed and muttered, "figures, as quickly as would...

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Hope. Somwher in center Europe the sun is rising. Everything wake up to new day. The plants turn they to the sun, predators try to catch somthing to eat and others animal try not die. In all this mess a single person live for two years. Whit no...

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the curse of the fox chapter one

The cures of the fox... chapter one Hi I'm Yuko yamamoto and I'm here to tell you how I became a kitsun ~fox demon~ Well it all started out as a normal day in tanabu, Japan; in kimiato it all happened on my fifteenth birthday, for on this day I...

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Pandemic-Day 34 9:49 AM 12/25/2022-Chapter 3-Wasteland Surprises

The blizzard lasted three days. The whole while the clouds kept the sky dark like night while loud thunder and bright lightning often startled us awake. Ice formed on the window and if you just paused and listened you could hear the wind picking up the...

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

He took a seat next to one of the fires, and observed the others that made the journey over the mountain with him.

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Tamer of the Mountain

Tamer of the Mountain He'd walk, continuously without aim, without reason. Though the woods in violent storms, over the rolling windy plains and through the vast desert. As he walked he listened, to the passing moments, to the world as it worked...

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Salaceon Tales

I personally believe that the journey for gym badges is pointless and that the pokémon league has no meaning, strength is measured by your friends and how you use it to protect others.

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