Song of the Freed Sailor

I sink to the bottom and my spirit leaves me, ye ledle-ledle-lee ledle-ledle-lee di di di, now i am free to be always with ye, ye ledle-ledle-lee ledle-ledle-lee di di di.

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what's due

It's finaly time... To get off that high horse of mine.. Im not the best poem writer, or the best tattoo designer... But I try my best to make people happy... I try and I try but im just unrealiable when im too capable! I'm ready to do something...

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Providince Crumbling towers Chapter 2

Providence Crumbling Towers Chapter 2 All that remains Loka lifted his head to spot a small blue and white dragoness dashing over to him before taking him to that ground "loka your here and your ok" she yell out with childish excitement her eyes...

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Reach to the Heights, Light Overcomes

Dividing bonds between these painéd three, as mind fails, body sleeps, spirit succumbs to the slow rise of the angel of light.

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Dragon's Pride 14

The Darkness Triumphs "Shit." "What is it, Avila? Something's bothering you?" "All of you might have known that the humans won't stand a chance against the army without our help, but I am feeling in rage when I knew they're using the...

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Alantris, Chapter 8

An ancient city of exiled spirits, or aldemartis, who are said to possess the spirits of animals, but can also possess the spirits of the mortyars.

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Reality Transcendent

There is a doorway, a large metal doorway, not rusted but pristine and glamorous in every manner, that stood lonely at the top of a pyre, the tallest natural mountain, that reached into the heavens. It was glossed in a sheen with a resin taken from...

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Residual Spirit

No one tells me but i know what's happening now, i was/am a spirit but not just any i was a full bodied apparition. this was the future and apparently i had been visible for many centuries in the old castle just setting there letting time roll by.

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The rending

Inside this ether of flame and power, beings of spectral wonder where created and so the second wave of spirits of old was created.

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Yu Yu Hakusho chapter 1

Our initial evaluation gave you high marks in intelligence, determination, spirit power, morality, and spirit awareness, well into the 90th percentile on most of them.

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A Tale of Two Foxes

In this case, i selected kon, a yokai kutsune (japanese fox trickster spirit) from "the gift" and sidney, the main protagonist from "slave trade". and now, i present to you: their interaction. as always, thanks for reading!

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Spirit of the Sands

Rifle in hand all through the night he sees the targets through his sites they try to run, covering their head for when he pulls the trigger they all fall dead those who are spared by his hands will know the spirit of the sands.

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