Growing Up Furry: What it was like for Me Growing Up
They even say that there are "special places" for furries and they say it with extreme hatred in their voices.
Lila of the Reptilydes Part 2
Dyremus laughed and cuddled the child close, knowing this one would always have a special place in his heart. ina had always promised that she would have a little boy that would look just like dyremus, that way she would have two amber eyed protectors.
Nala's Venture: Heresy
Their power alone did not entitle them to a special place in the universe.
Runners on First and Second
It didn't look like much, but it was his special place to come and relax. he'd helped her out of the truck, like a gentleman, and walked with her, paw in paw to the barn, and showed her the ladder to the hay loft.
Life by the Page 4
Leon said rather enthusiastically for he had a special place in his "library" for frost. he turned around to face the american section once more. "i thought i remembered seeing him in here somewhere. have you read frost before then?"
Happy Fathers Day / Ironically Beautiful
"even if you're not a real father, for me you're like a fatherly figure, which even though you have made mistakes around your life and also that we don't know much stuff about each other; you sure managed to made a very special place in my life, and i couldn't
My Furry Valentine
"showering each other with love and attention, going out to special places...not to mention, giving special surprise gifts to show their affection..." silver halted in front of our house. she turned her head. "surprise gifts?"
Day 19 - Sweater
#18 of orctober 2020 fifth story of the third batch of orctober prompts, and, this one holds a special place in my heart, one one hand due to its wholesomeness and on the other hand due to how close it reflects some of my childhood memories.
Life by the Page 9
Was their special place. "that sounds good hon." he cleared his throat "i have to go now but i'll see you then ok?" "ok sweetie." she sounded very happy, so much so that it tore into leon. "i love you." "you too hon."
Chapter 1: The Start of our Lives Together.
I was going to take charlie to a special place, treat him to a wonderful day with me, and then, if could summon up the courage at the end, ask him to be mine. this was how i was hoping it would happen.
Beneath the Apple Tree
An artic fox returns to a very special place for himself - and his late, beloved partner... beneath the apple tree © cederwyn whitefurr 7thoctober, 2021 all rights reserved.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 11
Since the night you were born, there's been a special place in my heart, just for you, a place nothing else could touch, no matter how bad my life was. i love you, andrew. i..." "i love you, too, kai," ander said.