Backyard Cookout
Embarrassingly, hunter had to get through a full month of potty training before he had earned the underoos that had just been stripped off him by the pack of lionesses surrounding him at that moment.
potty training isn't always done early- due to their softer texture, cloth diapers are used more often than disposable for children. toys are made with tender care, with the child's well being in mind rather than the idea of making money.
Roni, Lyon's Father
He was finally potty trained and he was talking like the big species do. his clothing was getting small on him because his parents refused to waste money buying him new clothes or toys.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} From Bully To Baby
"don't worry, you'll be potty trained someday!" indeedee says with an innocent smile. "now how about you come with me so i can change your diaper!"
Character Description: Atalo
Unfortunately, when his brother was potty trained, he ran out of diapers.
Charmander & Pikachu ~ Graduation From the Potty
"b-but i'm... you know i'm potty training. the point is not to use it!" "but it's an emergency, isn't it? therefore it's fine." "oooh, this isn't funny baz," kyle moaned, dancing on his toes.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 3
"i'm too busy to go to the potty" he thought, "tv is so much more important than silly things like potty training, after all what would my diaper be for if i didn't need to use it?" slowly but surely however the pressure began to build.
Forever Young (Chapter 2)
Even koda, who had resisted potty training as hunter recalled, had been out of diapers when they played with their cars. he blushed and bashfully sat down as he looked back at his puffy rump, grateful for the high fences all around the backyard.
Andlat's Red Hood
"well, even after daddy potty trains you into big girl panties, he's still going to rub you with baby powder each and every morning!" the fox whimpered. "oh, don't worry, daddy's not planning on potty training his little emma for a very long time.
James and Justin
James was never potty-trained. it'd be a waste because of his curse (turning back to zero every eighth birthday) because he'd just forget again. also, sammy has the power to make endless diapers out of thin air.
At the lake
"i see queen not-potty-trained-yet is helping her daughter build." said the wolf, getting the older pup to huff too. the couple of puppies played in the sand for one hour before they stood proudly in front of the castle.
Chapter X: When Your Fears Subside, And Shadows Still Remain
I've followed up with all my charges and all of them managed to get potty-trained again, although one was still having mild daytime problems, and still had issues at night. i don't think she was trying very hard to get out of diapers, though."