The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 20
#207 of the legend of spyro: path of delusions chapter 20 "i feel like a bear waking up from winter's slumber" cyril groaned, paw massaging the forehead, where it still felt pieces of paper stuck in between the scales from all the oregano that was hanging
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 17: Bite
I settled for a paw, massaging it with my own, sore ones. it didn't matter... i kept trying to tell myself. it didn't matter who was at his head. it only mattered that we were there. no, it made me frustrated. angry. this couldn't be right.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 21
Terrador grumbled, one paw massaging his aching forehead while the other signaled the guards to escort the people outside usually the protectors of order displayed some matter of tiredness and anxiety whenever such an order was given to them, it usually
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 9
But seeing that her eyes glazed over and paws massaged the mask, claws prying it up slightly as if ease on the squeeze against her skull, he believed that her thoughts were somewhere else entirely. "you both remember everything?"
That Day, Part 11 - That Moment (W.I.P)
Harvey said, his paw massaging my shoulder reassuringly. "don't ever apologise for kissing me. it was great, fantastic, and i know it must have been hard for you, so i really appreciate you overcoming your fear to do it..." "but..."
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 2
I've got your paws massaging my back, there is absolutely nothing that can ruin this moment.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 28
"my, my, your not my brother, but you definitely pack a muscle" her paw massaged his flanks before returning back to the gold chest moments later spyro observed her closely, biting his lips anxiously, naively hoping that if he satisfies her curiosity perhaps