Uncontrolled Affection
Max guided cato to the log before allowing him to sit down next to the older boy. max joined him soon after looking at the humble sky which was was an array of shades of yellow and red.
Forty-Four Eat You!
male's jowels.
The Sitter chapter 2
She growled, stopping when the older male glanced back at her, the strange ferocity in his normally gentle eyes startling her, "s-sorry."
The older male took the hint, especially as he realized that being that close to the naked young male wasn't nearly as "easy" as he'd made it out to be.
Time slowed down for the older male as he began to rush forward, paws extended in front of him as he wailed his son's name. adrenaline fueled his legs, and further, paternal instincts took over as he saw his son endangered.
Chance Encounters: Middle School. 8th Grade.
At the same time however across the way in jasper's house a much larger, older male dog was coming into jasper's room.
Legend of the Sekrei - Part 2
"i see, sunshine," the much older male replied, keeping a close eye on his young charge.
Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 2 Orange Sneakers are the Best!
Samuel looked up as he heard george laughing and saw the two older males walking towards him. "dog, relax!" george said.
Quake: Tales from the Arenas Eternal, chapter 2. PART 1!
The voice repeated, belonging to an older male feline, around 35-40 years of age. the marine in question was a younger wolf, no older than 25. "i had to kill them because they were zombies, you asshole." he got up from his chair and walked out.
Scarred Love (Page Seven)
I said glancing around the room and didn't see the older guy either, and i didn't hear anything, so he had most likely left when his friend went running, alvara dropped the candlestick and came down the stairs. "are you alright?" she asked worridly.
When he got near enough, he put an arm around the older male's neck and hugged him.
Dating Out. Chapter One.
Corey felt the need to copy this guy's manner of text as if embarrassed for the older male. "mostly a bunch of duds tonight." "yes.