Shrika: the Hunt Begins

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Warning, Warning!!! The following story contains rather graphic violence, some really nasty medical experiments, and other things which are definetely not nice. if you are not interested in reading about such things, stop...

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Part Eight - Breaking the Cycle

Well, here is the last story chapter of The Choices of Fate. I know last time I sad that there were two more, but I while writing this chapter, I realized how short what I had planned was, and so I merged the last two chapters together. As it stands,...

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14 - The Huntress

Shadowdancer By Dracon [Notice: The characters and events within are inspired by the "Gargoyles" TV Series and as such credit goes to the creators of said series. If any characters appear in the story from said series, those characters belong to...

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Superiority Chapter 14

Superiority Chapter 14 Timothy Goodman looked around at the devastation caused by the bomb. Where before he would have seen tall buildings stretching to the sky, all he saw was smoke. Rubble covered the ground all over, making it...

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Superiority Chapter 6

Superiority Chapter 6 "Almost to the border," said Jeff, the Rebellion member driving Louis into Canada. With a groan, Louis pulled his chair back from it's reclined position. "How long till we get there?" replied Louis, still...

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Superiority Chapter 7

Superiority Chapter 7 It had been a long morning for the wolves of tent C-Eighteen. They had received the responsibility of unloading the newly received LDSRD-V2 Light Armored Assault Vehicles. The base had recently been shipped...

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Superiority Chapter 10

Superiority Chapter 10 David shook his head, trying to reach full alertness. The attack alarm had gone off a few hours prior. The Canadians had attacked several bases not long ago, and everybody on base was hurrying to readiness,...

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Superiority Chapter 11

Superiority Chapter 11 "AYFD bases three, and nine suffered severe casualties," said Freeman. "However, base five only suffered twenty seven Lupine casualties. Thanks to the Spider Hole Artillery, the Canadian infantry presence was...

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Superiority Chapter 9

Superiority Chapter 9 "Damn, this place is cold," said Louis, before stepping into the cramped compartment of a canadian armored transport vehicle. The driver just nodded in agreement before starting the engine, and heading toward...

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Superiority Chapter 1

Superiority Chapter 1 Three of them. One of them has radiation sickness, he won't last long, thought David, as he loaded two sedation darts. He looked down the scope and brought them into a clearer view. One had pre war...

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Superiority Chapter 5

Superiority Chapter 5 "Reports from AYFD bases three, four, seven, and eight indicate possible attempts to conceal the true number of canadian troops fortifying their installations," said General Freeman, much to the dismay of...

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Superiority Chapter 4

Superiority Chapter 4 This was the longest ride he had ever taken. David was on a Marine transport jet. After the draft was initiated, he was transferred to service in the Lupine Marine Corps. There were several disgruntled...

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