Chapter Two

nadirah wolfcaller, right? everyone in the village knows about you." his wide smile was friendly and inviting. "i doubt any of the rumors are true, though. you know how it is, busy-bodies love to make things up when they don't know the truth."

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Chapter Five

Before Taiyra opened her eyes, she knew the cave was empty. Sleep melted away like frost in the gaze of the sun and she stretched herself out with a yawn. After a moment to gather herself, the doe sat up and turned her head to look at the place where...

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Chapter One

The golden eagle's cry echoed across the barren land. Watchful golden eyes scanned the soil, seeking any signs of life, but observing only the evidence of past carnage and the discarded casualties of war. Bones, long scattered and picked clean, lay...

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Chapter Seven

Soft clouds drifted lazily across the sky, their shadows playfully chasing each other through the grassland below. The light of the first sun splashed brilliant colors across the canvas of fading night. The young druid's eyes saw none of the morning's...

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Chapter One

nadirah wolfcaller." "that's an odd name for a tarin." rakthon replied suspiciously, glaring at the young doe who seemed to take no notice of his ire. "where are you from, _nadirah_?" he growled, speaking her name with a disbelieving lilt.

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Chapter Eight

Matna woke with a gasp, pursued by her nightmares. Frantically, she clawed at the air until the images melted away. If she expected comfort, she found none as she looked around the unfamiliar room. Except for the mattress she was laying on and a messy...

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Chapter Three

"you're going to make one hell of a warrior, nadirah wolfcaller." he said instead, following her gaze up into the sky. "as will you, jorthon longhorn." nadirah replied, turning her head to look at him for the first time.

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