Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Sixteen

I looked the camera feeds from the area around the cell and shivered since it appeared that there were between fifteen and twenty Nails approaching the room where Mel and Simon had determined to make there stand. Turning to one of the controllers in...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Fifteen

I was shaken awake softly by a hand on my shoulder and I looked around, still slightly sleep fogged before I managed to place the face in front of me. "Reg?" "Yeah, kitten, it's an hour and a half before we kick things off and I thought that we should...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Fourteen

I wasn't sure what time it was when I finally began to wake up, but I could sense that I was back in my carseat and the vehicle was moving. I gave a small yawn and looked towards the front where Jack was driving, "How long was I out?" I asked him "Oh,...

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Three

The rest of the day I spent my time trying to come to terms with what had happened to me, though to be fair I was starting to find that the good definitely outweighed the bad. During my first meal in my new body I was rather embarrassed to say that I...

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Follow The Rules 2: Transformation Boogaloo

The kid fur panel!" "no! not the kid fur!" kickaha panicked. "anything but the wait a second. why should i be concerned about this?

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Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll

"come on, benji-chan, time to wake up," aiko said, stroking the child's fur and adding the affectionate diminutive to the end of his name. benjiro blinked drowsily at her. _bit more sleep, mummy..._ he did not vocalize.

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Breath of the Nile

The family was overjoyed, thinking that the white coloration of the child's fur was a sign from the heavens, and so, he was treated differently than his brothers. as time would tell, he grew up to be a ruthless man.

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 2

I then proposed that everyone in my city - man, woman; elder, child; furred, scaled, and feathered - be tested for symptoms once a week until we've isolated everyone with the disease and stopped the symptoms from spreading further.

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