The rogue calmly took a bit of her food, playing with it innocently as the bare-chested warrior placed down a hand beside her and cleared his throat.
"excuse me madame, we'd like to have a word with you."
Adventure, Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Fighting, Griffin, Gryphon, Half-Elf, Lyndis, Magic, Medieval, Plot Development, Salesandhonor
Unfortunately, the further she went, the more the scents of food played on her enhancing nose, the smells begging her as her hunger only grew. produce was the closest and it drew her in, the fragrance of the berries irresistible to her cravings.
Angeluq, Bear, Blackwing, Deer, Forced, Interdimensional, Lion, Lykanos, Magic, Polardogproductions, Sacrifice, Taxidermy, Transformation, Veil, Wings, Witchcraft, Wolf, Wulfheart, autumn, bones, creature, pizza, skull, slow, spell, summon, tf, travel, witch