profile for Angel

LADY ANGEL (THE DARK ANGEL) Child of the great eagle king Rick and the heron queen Claire she had an excellent upbringing, heralding from the kingdom of Avianum she spent her life training in magic and rituals as is her heratege, she is a...


The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1

This is my first story and it is a collaboration between myself and Heartlessdragon, so please go easy on me when you rate it. Thank you Opal Dragon The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1 It's been fifty years since the fall of the dark purple...


Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 3

**Thanks for the comments and advice, I'll definitely try to make my chapters longer, but also because I think that I tend to cram too much information and description into each paragraph I'll try to simplify things so that the flow is...



After what seem like a era of silence and ebbing pain, Jericho opened his eyes to a colorless sky and thanked whatever deity on this world that there wasn't any sunlight burn his already hurting eyes. When he realized he wasn't using his lungs, he...


The Tales of Anon part five: life with the Valomars

::we pick up right after Anon and Mrs. Valomar pick up his things and head out to the house:: * * * "So Anon have you been needing anything? A jacket perhaps or something to entertain yourself?" Mrs. Valomar asked, "Maybe a way to hone your natural...


Power And Pride

Have you ever questioned the things that have happened to you? Like why do the things in life happen to you? Well even if you don't,My life is like that all the time believe it or not. I'm in high school but you won't believe what I can do. I have...


The Creation Theory

The Shinto Shrine has seen better days. It looks as though none have inhabited it for centuries yet the decaying structure still stands, the cobblestones of the courtyard pitted and broken by water and growing plants. The growth of the trees and shrubs...


character porfolio; silver

Silver is a kind and gentle person to those who take the time to know him. He dresses in dark cloths most of the time and loves looking formale when the need arises. He keeps to himself mostly and doesn't EVER let those outside his circle know what he...


TGBC Character sheet

Name: Vincent Fangz Species: Hybrid(Snow tigerWolf) Age: 13 Gender: Male Abilities: Light magic. Magic Neutralization. Golden core magic. Description: Vincent is a hybrid with snow tiger markings but the body of a wolf. He takes after his mother...


The Phoenix (Chapter 1)

Some notes before I start, in my stories I use symbols to help prevent confusion, they are as follows: \*\*\*\*\*Date\*\*\*\*\*=Time of events in story ~Character name~=Name of character speaking ()Location()=location of events in story Now...


Character Bio

Name: Ken'ichi Akagi _"Timmy"_ Age: 18 Species: Black Tiger Appearance: Timmy is a black tiger with faint white stripes. Backstory: There isn't much about Timmy's upbringings that he will talk about. Other than the visible things about him, which...


Just another day chapter.3 draft submission

Vex let out a chocked cry military that had to be wrong! It just had to be there was nothing more he despised in the world nothing at all. Lin glanced over at him clearly worried his tail flicking as he examined his friends reaction "Vex dude?" He asks...
