From Schoolwork to Homeworkings

I went into the kitchen, got out my ipod from my pocket, put it into our bowman's speakers, selected my favorites list to play, situated the volume, and went to work on preparing dinner.â i got out the deep fryer, flour, a bowl, and went to get the chicken

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The Message

A blinding, red-hot sensation crawled up her lower leg like liquid fire, and her screams and snarls were accompanied by a loud whistle from a racca bowman, whom had come out of the shadows of an adjacent cairn.

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Song of the Huntress - Part 3

The bowman screamed as heather's arrow plunged into the woman's face. "alarm!!!! alllarm!!!" screamed both of the swordsmen, who then charged towards heather. heather fumbled a bit as she nocked two arrows and loosed.


Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 8 Staying in Town, Part 2

It was dark now in Corneria. Fox and Wolf were sitting on a bench together in a park that was somewhere near the center of the city. They were sitting in silence now over the short outburst that the vulpin had earlier. Fox was feeling like a total...

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Flappy's pilgrimage

Working at a petting zoo was a okay life for dallas bowman. he would have prefered to not have to work there, but when he wrecked his car, he was (un)lucky enough to not die immediately.

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Reluctantly the guards released the slightly struggling harpy, lifting the bowman up and clapping irons on him before dragging him off.

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 7 Staying in Town, Part 1

Back at the steakhouse, Fox and the other guys were having a conversation about their reactions from the press conference in the early afternoon. Giving this an opportunity to cool down from the uproar that occurred, they took it upon themselves to...

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 4 The Press Conference

There was a crowd in front of Corneria City Hall; News reporters, journalists, other citizens, and so on, standing out in the daylight of what is going on. It was all unexpected, mostly because that team Star Wolf are three of the people sitting on top...

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Summer of Love (A Canon Star Fox Story)

The only members not here were dash bowman and amanda, the female frog being just slippy's girlfriend at this time. they had business on corneria but would meet up with everyone else at the resort which would also include the hot rodders.

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