Virtually Real Notes: Evolver Chamber Options

Never have to worry about bikini wax or unsightly body hair ever again. extreme options: sure having natural rainbow hair may seem extreme but i mean really extreme here.

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Kayla's Pack - Part 2: Tension

With a grimace, nate puts the venison back onto the wax paper and sets it down on the ground. avoiding making eye contact, he glances in kayla's direction. she's trembling, her hackles up, teeth still visible in a frozen snarl.

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Bon Hiver

Listening to him wax romantic. listening to his spontaneous, honest poetry. "and then we'd be soaking wet, and ... and then i don't know what we'd do." "go inside and sit in front of the stove, nibbling on each other's bare, furry shoulders.

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MLP: Thievery is Art

I came out here to find some more dyes for our wax. i was unfortunate enough to get caught in that awful battle." he said, trying to sound pitiful. the guard was silent for several seconds with a suspicious glare. "then you know who i am?"

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For the Good of All

She did her best to keep the grimace off her face as she thought of the next words in the warning: life takers shall wax, life givers shall wane; half the tribe shall lose their place; envy e'er shall reign.

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Zootopia: First Salvo 12

" stink of turtle wax jackie!" "a little too much?" he replied smiling back. "you think?" darla snorted. "well that about killed any thoughts of intimacy for the evening."

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Four

The fox pointed with a claw at drop of wax that sealed the letter, imprinted with the same symbol that he showed us on the daggers. "now go on. she'll have her shop open by now."

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 9 - "Communing"

His communing candles had gone out, their perfume mingling with that of stale smoke, the wax cylinders melted completely into wrinkled puddles and spilling over onto the floor. supposedly they were good for twelve hours.

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Silhouette of a Dream Chapter I

"four eighty-seven" the fox handed him his last five dollar bill, and after taking his change, took his sandwich to a table and unwrapped its wax paper covering.

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Scene Two: Funeral

His boots were waxed and the black leather and polished gunmetal glinted powerfully in the harsh fluorescent lights.

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Megaloplis - Truth can be stranger than fiction

Leaning down she picks up a small scroll bound with a pale green ribbon sealed by wax. looking up at andy as he comes over she holds it out to him, "it's addressed to you." he takes it, his hand shaking again as he looks at the seal.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Elias Hewen - 1st Draft)

Silently, he ran his broad fingertip over the letter's wax seal. it was the official seal of the high priest.