As One

You all do know that evolution day is merely a year away." at this, all the eevee burst into a spontaneous chorus of chatter. every one except me, that is. i have no one to talk to. i wish i had friends, someone i could tell all my secrets to.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 111

For once they weren't glances of disbelief or worry but loving amusement; it was a miracle they didn't spontaneously go 'aww,' but their expressions certainly said what their tongues didn't. liam glanced at the text on screen, frowning.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 1

You're dragon...such accidents...are you" flare started to touch his head spontaneously " it's not that hot" volteer cleared his throat merrily.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 1

Joining the temple was a very serious step in coriza's life, it wasn't forceful or spontaneous, it was true calling, a very rare thing indeed and it worked out for her, didn't change what was already there, she remained the same as from day one.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 59

A pretty smile spread the blue mouth, spreading the lips so effortlessly that not even a single, spontaneous wrinkle appeared.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 47

There was a thick wooden bar keeping the gate locked, but it suddenly cracked right down the middle, spontaneously growing a sharp set of splinters. dorin could see a shape moving just beyond the gap, huge and hulking, a towering mass of shadow. _ander?

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Balance of Power Part 2: Gentleness and Curiosity

Two hours later, his history teacher had announced a spontaneous test - one he had, thanks to his rather smug benefactor, passed with flying colours.

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"oh you were never mad at me," she replied unthinking, the words spilling out of her spontaneously. ohhh, so now it made sense to her why he'd apologized to her! she hadn't understand that before. she'd look up and smile at him.

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Mage ch 10

He could still recall to this day how he asked them all to teach him on how to speak and read the language, something he spontaneously blurted out after hearing cameron say something to him in spanish one day in class.

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Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter

He burst forward with a flame charge, startling luke as a seemingly spontaneous fireball appeared at his side before he was seized by volcan.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 52

His mouth stretched into a smile as well, it couldn't be helped, she was always so reserved and serious, there was some sweet feeling enveloping him when faced with her spontaneous reactions.

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