Ye Who Enters Here...

The answer was just as sadistic as it is embarrassing. timothy's world is falling apart in the hands of thirty, yes thirty beings from both sides, all to create their dominion, and those who would dare to fight against them would lose severely.

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OR: RaiRaijin's Kobolds

You might not wanna know what happens if a pregnancy occurs because it tends often to be very destructive and four feet tall with a sadistic giggle, along with ability to bend a certain aspect of the universe to their will...

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The Orphans Among Us Chapter Seven: Heading Home

If it were not for the flowers that wrapped around his tails, you would have never known that he recently escaped from a sadistic lab. when the wolf came out, i watched with interest while the two of them interacted.


Monster I Have Become: Ch. 5

Rage me just smiled a sadistic and rage filled smile. the realization was on the typhlosion's face before it hit him-literally. 'a shadow ball never misses.' i thought to myself.

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Bentley's Peace: II

They might have seen the war from opposite sides - might even have shot at each other - but their experiences of terrible food, sadistic drill sergeants and wet feet had been almost identical.

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The unrivaled sadism they experience at the hands of their creator would break most men, but they persevered with scars to prove it.

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If my suspicions are right, i feel a little bad and sadistic for riling him up... i guess i'll text him an apology or something... i turn around and head back home, crafting a text for jo in my mind. i dig my pockets and take out my phone.

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To Be Regretful

"well isn't he a sadist," tsuki said thinking out loud. he turned to blake who just shrugged it off with a grin. they turned in the direction of the doors that seemed to open as if on cue to their thoughts.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 19)

It especially intrigued him when carnies would lose their calm, as sadistic as it may seem. what ant wouldn't want to see the anteater struggle? trips to the hospital provide reassuring reminders that all animals bleed red.

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Light Bane: Chapter 42

I am not that sadistic." "so, what's your reason?" "who knows. why don't you fight for it? got into a lot of trouble to be stationed in this mess of a city just to see how much you've grown. seriously, are they doing this out of spite?"

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Roi des Voleurs Ch 1: Ascend

Blink simply nodded assent as he watched the sadistic glee grow in his master's eyes. he deftly undid the buttons on his shirt, letting it drop to his waist so as to expose the fur and flesh on his back.

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Simba and company (Vore, Crossover)

"scream all you want, oliver" simba grinned around his furry meal "no one's going to hear you, except me." and he had to admit the cries for help were a little bit empowering, the sadistic side of the big cat loving the idea of turning this normally proud

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