Aurora: Prologue and Author's Note

Our eyes met, and she shook her head briefly and signed, "i'm just gonna get those records for her so she can fuck off." i managed a little laugh. the situation wasn't funny, but my wife was.

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Enter the Cat- Chapter 1

"ask away, i've got all the time in the world to read that filth and listen to two records on a constant loop." "o-ok, we'd like your input on these photographs." agent stephens handed valmont a manila envelope.

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 1: Time Tinkering

Rome recorded the underground imprisonment of the titans, ascended humans of great strength.

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Epilogue – Remnants of Hope

Uroso returned to his home in italy along with thomas to begin work on sealing off all of red fangs records and paying its large mass of employees worldwide their severance.

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Moving and Maneuvering

I've got the whole thing recorded. and just how long do you think your sources will give you information off the record if you lie about keeping it that way?"

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Seeking history part three

"wait, even if all records here on umbria where lost or destroyed, what about records on ursa mina?" saul asks. "oh, that's an interesting thought. we might have to go there and look." bastao replies. "is that kind of trip even feasible?

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Winterfall - The Dark Mile

Limited to data stored in the computer before the freeze, the records were often incomplete and limited to what was known to the company that built it.

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Urokon: History, Culture and Religion

Despite commanding the largest single force in recorded history, the prince is killed and his army routed at sul valley by the yvenik army.

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Of Mice and Menace

"glover's bank records are pretty straightforward, with one anomaly. there are regular payments into something called hlr limited, an llc setup of some kind.

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Making People Happy

The zookeepers tried to find out if anything was wrong with nuka as she soon broke the record for the world's largest bear ever recorded.

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The Ghost of Toronto Part 2

"i'm sorry, pierre," he said softly, and went back to the audio, to keep working on translating the recorded conversation.

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