Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt7
I'm sorry white, he's dead you don't have to worry, i'm controlling the body like a puppet so i can get things done that this one could only do himself.. anyway, i'll be downstairs if ya need me."
Memories of a black fox.
Men of metal and gears marched at my orders, puppets answering to my beck and call. indestructible, implacable, strike one down and he will reassemble himself.
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 35 (The Land of Waves - Part 3)
'puppet master jutsu!' kiba scowled, karabe was controlling all of the shuriken with chakra strings. several shuriken flew at him, he avoided them but winced in pain as another struck him in the back.
Chewy: Leon's dream pt.2
Razz crazily fought the clones, defeating all but one, "shadow art: darkness puppet," a shadow of leon's took itself underneath chewy, taking him under leon's control. "razz..., get ready!"
Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 19 - Revelations Amongst Frauds
"so you really are a puppet," artemis put her bow at her side. "then my arrows and their paralyzing poison will have no affect," she stared at him. serveti laughed and raised his hands again.
kiss of the dragon part 2
Awoke to a noise she had not herd before she wondered into the room where the noise was coming from and saw a very strange light but it was nice and she watched some more, it was nice the pictures on the box where moving but there was no one at the back with puppets
Rough Patches -- Chapter 3 -- Part One -- {Rocky Relationships}
A mental scream pleaded for a reprieve, as he saw kiyoshi's visage and the puppeteer's malicious intent. jason tried to ward of everything, he closed his eyes shut, hoping that this was all a bad dream.
Book of Warlock 4. Here be dragons.
They could flit through time, through space, could alter appearance at will, could control lesser beings like puppets. if there was anything out there that came close to being a god, it would be a dragon. everything could be bent to their will.
The Book of Warlock 18. In love and war.
That sceptre talks shit to him all day, threllif, he's its puppet!" "you've seen the cartloads of treasure he's got. that tri-horn is a goldmine!" threllif swerved as the dark green tail came round for him again.
The Truth Behind Zanuka
As long as that collar was on, he wouldn't do anything about this corpus puppet. "tenno, be _careful_!" shouted alad v, "i don't want to damage those parts of yours!"
Nothing but puppets, all of them, now. is that the life you really want to live?" "we can move," pleaded the weasel, trying for doane's paws again, and he succeeded.
Chapter 2- "The Death Note"
Would that make him some sort of puppet master? i thought only god controls the mannerisms of people's lives... light smacked himself.