The Mute - Chapter 1: When I met Kyle
I held up my pointer finger as if to say "one minute" and jumped out of my chair to grab a pencil and my notebook. i plopped back down in my seat, panting slightly as i wrote \*my name is morgan\* "ummmm, do you have a sore throat or something?"
Vignette: Definition of Marriage
#5 of notebook "cody, please? this is a big deal," begged the lion. "you know i'll just get bored," insisted the fox. "trust me, you won't. c'mon." the lion was standing over their favorite armchair, tv remote in hand.
#1 of downfall this is something i had written down in a notebook. i'll put the rest up soon. a young, brave dark blue furred wolf stood before a group and began speaking "alright friends, we are ready."
I went over to my desk, got a pencil and notepad, and then thought: "what the hell am i going to write about?" note: this story occurs waaaay before to alaska, so dont get mad if its hard to understand.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 32)
Slowly, she packs up her belongings (a notebook with incomplete data, and a pink pencil case) and adjusts her nasal cannulas, breathing in the stronger flow of oxygen.
Journey of a mending heart: Pt 1 - Introduction
Hint: they're a face around sofurry :3** the wolfen male sat in the dark of his kitchen, what had been their kitchen... a crumpled up piece of notebook paper held firmly in his paw, the digits curled about it shaking mirroring the motion of his entire form
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 3
She studied bogo's route for an hour and marked it down on her notebook. seeing him go inside the cruiser for a drink, she slivered down onto the street along a water pipe and started retracing bogo's steps.
The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 09 - I Won't See You Tonight (Part 1)
I kept my lyrical notebook close just in case i got a flare up of emotion from being in the same room and going over the same tracks again.
The More You Learn The Less You Know
I got out my notebook and pencil and turned to a piece of paper before i started to write down some rhyming i had been thinking of in my head.
Cry Me a Murder (Part four) : A Strange Crunching Underfoot
He sat across from darleen on a worn out couch, and writing something in a spiral-bound notebook. the moment he saw me standing in the hallway, he quickly closed the book.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 19)
I pulled out a notepad and sketched out some of the salient points.
This is the Part... With the Wrong Rabbit Hole
He's sitting on a park bench, leaning down into a notebook or something, writing in it with a pencil. or maybe sketching?