The Club's Reason

The moon still shines radiantly amidst the light of the town, and it never ceases to amaze me with its luminous beauty along with the speckles of twinkling light all around.

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Tarot Chronicles: First Reading-- Ten of Pentacles

With the sunlight upon the large emerald shaped gem, it radiated a prismatic luminence that was almost mesmerizing, and it made behemel uneasy. "this gem seems different from the rest" he stated, drawing zerrex attention to it.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 10 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The knights of the sky

He added immediately after as his superior launched the aircraft in a bold turn for avoid another surface to air missile (sam) as the counter air artillery begun to shoot furiously against them, drawing long queues of luminous projectiles in the sky and surrounding

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Urban Mystic

"people once thought wraiths were just luminous phenomena, too." "actually, they still do," lance replied. "well, _we_ know better." john turned and gestured as best he could. "geological consistencies are the _result_ of lay lines.

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The Baptism Is Long But The Song Is Everlasting

The sunset, for a moment, was just at the right angle to turn the steaming plumes from maggie's cup of tea a vivid and luminous crimson. "stealin' away slaves or debtors or just poor farmers fed up with unfriendly land. a wolf, tall, wearin a mask.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 4: Traveler's Rest

A luminous armor had been summoned to serhis and he turned to face the walking dead. only a very lucky strike would connect on him, with did not occur, as he lodged the pick into a rotting head.

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But no matter how harsh the weather, how luminous the atmosphere, or how weary his legs grew, rudolph's nose wouldn't dim the slightest bit, nor would his spirit.

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There's a Place in the Great Pack for You

"in my experience," the sunset, for a moment, was just at the right angle to turn the steaming plumes from the dark wolf's mug a vivid and luminous crimson, "it's not that the pack had a place ready for all these wolves.

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The cloud in front of the cloud had past and luminated the forest. estra's eyes adjusted to the light.


Double Edged

Rio was grinning, a glint in his luminous eyes. 'hey, you remember me? i totally knocked the wind from your sails about a year ago...when you tried to kill my friend.' the humour had vanished from the red dragon's voice.

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Walls: Reboot 1 - The Ring

A field of stars, filled with luminous nebulae that ranged from reddish-purple to rich blue. i remembered looking up at the sky from earth, with the grass underneath my paws as the stars twinkled above.

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ASL Files: A New Star (Chapter 2)

May this stone and the garden in which it rests stand for all time that all who stop here under this luminous dome will remember the sacrifices made by those few. to fallen comrades and friends forever missed, never forgotten."

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