Battle Master, Prologue

Sarvistinians were not well received in most of the kingdoms; four of the nations had them decreed to be killed on sight. tenvier was one of the two kingdoms where they were not, but they were still far from well-regarded.

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Armor on this new kingdom.


Ep11-Picking up the pieces-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

#11 of the warrior's of mezzanine cleaning up the mess after freeing this kingdom. two weeks have passed since team had landed in this kingdom. the team was helping clean up the mess that the granite organization had left behind.

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Ep4-Hideout-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

One week had passed since the team had taken down the granite corporation in the kingdom. turns out that the rest of the world had been brainwashed by the granite corporation all over mezzanine and the other kingdoms were oblivious to this.

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GoM-Ep8-Introducing the Roomates

For a backstory- milo was raised by his grandparents after his real parents ditched him, he is from the valor kingdom and is in school to become a nurse.

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Ep10-Freeing the Vivianite Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

Eventually the team took down commander vivianite and freed the kingdom, but it was clear that there needed to be some work to get the kingdom back in order.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 5 - The Northern Lands

"ready for a real tour of the mushroom kingdom?" "heh, yep, guess i am! lead the way pal."

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S1 C1 E2 "You And Me"

* * * **kingdom day - ** _"kingdom day is when both luke and troy must go into a legend, abandoned castle, once owned by a demon lord named red."_ **lost souls** - _"forgotten and corrupted spirits from other universes inside the mind.

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Fallen Kingdom - Chapter 1, Clif-Side View

#1 of fallen kingdom story by kirun! in the middle of a spring night, a black and white-furred wusky with cold blue eyes sat watch with his dual katanas sheathed in his lap, his paws ever grasping their blue thread-wrapped hilts.

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Breaking Point: Part One: Joining Chapter One

One lesson did get drilled into his head, was that bowser was a menace to the mushroom kingdom and that freak or not (this word wasn't actually used, he just filled in the blanks) he had to overthrow the menace to the mushroom kingdom.


The unexpected surprise for the dragoness

That gold is the kingdoms' treasury she is guarding. her gold pile is smaller and we allow three female dragons and two male dragons to live in the kingdom to protect us if they purchase the live stock they eat.

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The crystall skull - Short background history

This has led to a big improvement in the lifestyle of the kingdom's capital city of ankh'ahn and actually increased its influence in the region.

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