FoxTail Prologue

The system they created was inspired by humans and their governments, a ladder of sorts would be implemented to keep a fair balance within a circle of leaders.

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The Cemetery of Livestone

Aside from this the park had no discernable government structure. a few such agencies attempted to categorize the park's beaureaucratic management structure.

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A Furry World - Part 1 Home Sweet Home

I had finally gotten permission from the government to look for a place to stay outside the facility where all the refugees stayed.

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Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

They're government is based on a tribal religious structure which i will not take the time to go into now. if you have any specific questions, again, feel free to post them.

Natural Science- Permanent Waves

As much as terry barnhurst enjoyed his nice government job focusing on endangered species which allowed him a house in charlotte's privileged side of town, the otter would need to engage in the kind of light-spirited play the species was known for.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 2

At the same time in japan the government bought special robots and outfitted a retirement high-rise with them. due to demographic shifts fewer people were taking care of the elderly.

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I am only half sure that it is the government's fault. were they trying to create a supersoldier? by combining human and animal genes? i'm not sure.

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

The lesson was that while the kings and queens has the power to govern, it was the will of the governed who gave them the power and can just as easily take it back.** ** a small group of civilians


Teaser: Ping Pong Diplomacy

And they were guests of the government; surely he could have a player brought to his hotel room? guests of the government.

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Secrets and Lies chapter 2

You have been the governments top secret project for the last sixteen years. you see demons are violent creatures and your real mother was raped by your real father...which is how you came into being.

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The Galactic Leonian Empire

This feudal system of governance allowed a nation state to run the shoreline of a small ocean, never delving far into the dry inlands.

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