The Nightmare that Isn't

A shadow appears in the doorway, blocking out the little light that flowed through the transparasteel door.

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Each swallow felt bigger than the last, his body just struggling to keep up with the flow of ooze down into his warm stomach.

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Starry Eye'd Dreamers

Her memories slowly stopped flowing, and she returned to the present. a tear ran down her cheek, her eyes locked on the glass window of the salon. then she felt the boys finger run across her face, wiping away her tear.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 46

All this blood, flowing from his temple, running down the bridge of his muzzle, dripping into the snow... was that real? and the snow itself?

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As-of-yet-Unnamed-Fantasy Ch:1

Being swept away by the quickly flowing rapids that the plains were becoming, a carriage held on its roof a group of reptilian beastman travelers. they looked terrified of their situation and their tails swayed in agitation.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 46

All this blood, flowing from his temple, running down the bridge of his muzzle, dripping into the snow... was that real? and the snow itself?

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Lord of Arms- Chapter 12

Then, a spot of blood appeared, and a flow of blood started to flow out. the flow of blood hovered in the air, and flowed over to the blood packs. as the process continued, will started to slowly feel dizzy.

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From the wounds my blood does flow whilst others gather round for the show. i beg and plead let me find the peace i so desperately need. a pounding head a hospital bed. my life i failed to take all i can do is sit and shake.

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Assassin: Part 1

I was becoming frightened now, the blood wasn't even slowing in its flow, so i withdrew my leg from the tub and quickly grabbed a cloth from the towel rack, wrapping it around my calf with a hiss of pain.

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The Breaking of the world

The oceans were no longer contained by the planet and drifted around it in great streams of liquid that flowed in the remnants of the jet stream of the upper atmosphere and encircled the planet.

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Review - Book 3 Red Twilight: Worldwalkers

It flows much better, it's easier to read, the descriptions actually work for the story, rather than against it. it isn't a perfect book. nor is it the best example of its' genre.


Season's Front

What would have been a gelid shining ornate pillar jutting from a fissure in the mountain now flowed down in a torrent of lively water.

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