Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 7

He laughed a cruel-sounding laugh, waiting for the mouse to respond. when he remained silent the squirrel spoke up again. "now now bil, don't be like that.

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Curse of St George - Dragon TF by gh22111

Though he was famous for his valiant feats, riches and unheard of generosity, but only his soul was callous, like a piece of dried bread - black, cruel and vain.

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Hunting the Hunter

A young hunter finds out just how cruel and inventive the punishments the prince can come up with. this is based off of the robin hood stories, with a more fantasy twist to it.

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Mesprit's Savior

I heard the footsteps of something large very nearby, and i started to cry as the world around me became as cold and cruel as i had always imagined.

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greedy snivy and disaster bringer absol

Then one night their was an especially cruel nightmare. the snivy was dreaming that on the first day of school he had been knocked on his ads by a charmander." what are you going do about sniffly.

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Les Animaux Confeiture part two

And ferocious we shall call him, although cruel would be more apt for his teeth had sunk into the nape of nikkei's new friend, the screams of such a pretty voice and the screams of such pretty eyes taking from nikkei such pleasure so soon.

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Loving ancient roman history, the american was rather looking forward to it but was at the same time apprehensive about entering a place where so many had died so needlessly, and all for the cruel entertainment of others.


Iceypaws Day 1: The Summer Gun Fight (UNDER CUNSTRUCTION)

Its a cruel way to create the best henchmen ever, but luckily its ony worked once. but that was disaster. {{to read about the hybrid henchmen, check my stories for "the dark hybrid}} and the hybrid slaves are for the same thing.

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chemical dreams

"oh wait girls your not going anywhere, you see im looking for slit and i intend to get it." his smile turned cruel and in one fluid movement he stepped forward and jammed a rag in each of their faces.

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Nik related, "thought the same at the time, but hindsight is a cruel mistress." "not on my end" sam assured, "i'm a nomad, i'll have your place if you'll have me."

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To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -

Such beasts were the bane of humanity, often preying upon them as playthings for their cruel and sadistic pleasures - then when they tired of them, they were food for the 'beasts' as they came to be known.

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Alone without a mate

He grabs hold, tugs and pulls, tells death to flee, love makes the rules, why is life so cruel?

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