Lonely Oak Chapter 63

Compared to him--her short, stubbly, scratchy, brown covering she could barely call a "coat,"--she was practically skimmy.

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Fursonalized, Chapter 2 - A Whole New World

I can see them covering things charged to the room, but what about everything else?" zack tried to think, but his mind was still too clouded to fully reason things out.

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Winters embrace

-- a short story about concequences and community a dark winter evening, black clouds covering the sky while blizzard-like winds gush over the landscape.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 4

Mother covered her mouth with her hands, but her ragged gasps came through unhindered, heavy with sorrow. "banno? my banno is gone?" her whole body was shaking. "my banno!?"

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 12-Going In Hot

,i shouted,"cover the door,shoot anything that isn't rolland,val or wyatt." "issac and logan,cover the side entrances and if it moves,kill it."

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Chronicles of the elements chapter one

My mother's name was elly she was a 5"5 grey wolf she is covered in grey fur from hear head to tail except her chest area to hear stomach and under her chin witch is covered in nice white fur.

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The End of Days

He shuts the door and drags a bookshelf standing there in front of the door to cover it up, then grunts as he lays down in the bed, covers still neatly folded.

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Demonic Possession

His tail was currently three feet long; eddy had measured it, and covered in thick brown fur. the fur also covered eddy's ass and newly grown sheath.


Seekers: Chapter Thirteen: Rosie

Elise growled, twisting out of cover and unleashing more shots from her large rifle, sending more mutated figures to the ground, and covering the floor with more dark green blood.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 3

The two officers moved quickly from the entrance to the trash cans, using them for cover. "you cover me. i'll cross the side alley and flank it.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 24

She was seeing the _exact_ same thing as everyone else right now, and what everyone was seeing was a wolf covered in an enemy's blood.

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Chapter 3- Crystalia’s Power

Looking around, crystalia finds the trees, grass, and everything else in a small area to be covered in a thick sheet of ice.

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