Power and Pride III: In Our Blood
Thank the gods, dainil thought as he met his first opponent, they had no archers. followed by: _yet...neither do we.
The Ancient War
I looked to where the arrow had come from and saw an archer on the roof. "there! on the roof!" i shouted. i grabbed the fallen man's longbow and an arrow and aimed at the killer. he got up and summoned a skarmory.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 85
To signal the archers? something about it made him feel uneasy. it was just too... out of place. just like that damn wall. just like ander himself, actually. no matter where he went, he was always out of place. "then explain it to me, banno!"
A Necromancer's Heart Chapter 5
Your twin brothers are archers and your eldest brother is a skilled warrior. your mother and father are the king and queen of the city of moonlight." i shook my head vigorously, this couldn't be true, but they did look extremely familiar.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 14
From here, she could heard the creaking bones and taught bowstrings of at least two skeletal archers. they barely made a sound as they waited, and she realised she could not make it through this room without a fight.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 20 Part 1
Reaching there in only just a minute, lilac was almost hit by a thrown bench when she saw the death jackal trying to hold an archer's arrows.
No matter how many are plucked off by the archers, there always seems to be more than the last time. they still haven't made more than the most feeble attempts at breaching the wall.
Ch. 17: The Day of Defeat
He whirled around to face the gnoll that had shot him, and roared as he ran at the enemy archer, ignoring the others around him.
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue V
Terrified screams fill the air while taaru charges toward one of the archers, leaving you to a very angered warrior with blade and a heavy round shield in hand.
Shadow's hunt, part eight
She ceased being the archer holding the bow. her eyes narrowed, her attention becoming finer, sliding along the shaft of the arrows towards her target.
Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 3
They wanted the wall to be rebuilt and lines of archers to be posted there at all times, but ander was quick to point out that, if the wolves were ever to attack again, they would surely never go through the pass again.
Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 3
They wanted the wall to be rebuilt and lines of archers to be posted there at all times, but ander was quick to point out that, if the wolves were ever to attack again, they would surely never go through the pass again.