Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 14
alex looked away.... "alex?" chancy challenged more. "look at me? do you want to be a marine?" "yes..." alex replied. "yes what?" chancy pushed. "yes what alex? give me the respect i deserve please?" "yes uncle." alex said.
a romance in the countryside: chapter 6
"so vince, has alex popped your cherry yet?" "grandad!" he and alex laughed, though he was blushing. and eventually i just laughed with them as well. yes, alex and i were madly in love and grandad finally knew that i was gay.
Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 5
alex hissed, his voice oddly changed. solar saw a dark field around alex, and his paws lit up and he stood on his hind legs and grabbed alex's head, focusing light energy into him.
Justin the Gryphon
One of the altered knights said, "captain alex, what is that?!" alex started laughing and said, "the beast is challenging us."
Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 2
They found alex clutching his neck, unable to breathe. "what's wrong? alex?! alex!" judy said running up to him. "quick, nick! get a nurse!"
The Faerie hourglass
As alex unlocked the shop, willa looked in the windows, and gasped. "alex! look at this!" she almost barked. alex then looked over at where willa was looking and gasped. it looked almost like they walked into a completely different shop.
Inferno High - Chapter 7
[alex] "stop. don't tease him." [x] "but you do have a crush on him." [alex] "don't you?" [x] alex blushed and laid down on the couch, putting his head in my lap. "why can't you be gay?" i hesitated. i had no response.
Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People
alex bobbed his head in contradiction, "eh, most of the time you get the basic spreadsheet application.
Intertwined - Prelude Part 1
When alex entered the room, he didn't so much as look up from his technology; he knew who was there without taking a second thought. "alex," his dad said quietly, still typing away.
Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 5
The next day alex took the day off work, his body sore and throbbing in pain. it hurt to move around, and even breathing caused him distress. just as nick mentioned, he texted alex a place and time they would meet up.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter30-Audi Vs. Supra Street GT Runoff
So it's too bad for driver alex west." alex's second lap was 1: 33.070 and the supra placed at the same lap time as blue 60, again. lap three, alex was 1:34.506 and the supra again came very close to matching blue 60 at 1:34 dead.
Becoming: Part 3-A long Walk
At last, alex finished the last report and unglued his eyes from the paper. only then did he realize how dark it had become. the sun had set long ago and from the position of the moon, alex guessed that it was around eleven p.m.