Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale
Inside the classroom were a bunch of humans, one older male and the others all middle-school age, presumably the teacher and his students.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 1.1 - The City That Never Sleeps
"that's not a good question," replied the older male. "why do creatures do this?"
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 26
However, being a first time mother, she was given a larger share of the communal meat than anohachy with older male cubs. unfortunately, due to the failure of the hunting parties over the last few months, this wasn't much.
The Luck of Finding a Warm Fire in the Woods
male bear i just soak in my surroundings too.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-6
When the inner door of _nightwing_'s airlock opened, it revealed an older male who was clearly nervous, and looked as if he would rather be anywhere other than having to face unknown aliens for the first time. "welcome aboard, _nightwing_, sir.
Sentinels: Youth
Tsumé was not three steps through the front door to her family home before she lifted her gaze to find an older, male green-feathered avian - wingless like herself, standing over her, his arms crossed over his chest and wearing an expression of deep scorn.
Transforming Tommy
But he found the relationships with older men were short-lived too. the dominant men tommy met seemed interested in tommy as a young sex toy more than as someone worthy of a long-term relationship.
The Fallout 3
Because i've read news stories in the boston bugle about what happens when apparenlty friendly fat older men are nice to children half their age" cadwell said from beside him.
Code Magus
She was enthusiastic about haggling with the older men. elisha didn't say much, but she was nonetheless happy and talked all the more. they bought two large carp at what she thought was a steal. they stopped by her grandmother's stand last.
Ring of Redemption
She was used to guys her age hitting on her all the time, but not older men who were, more than likely, married, or be called 'darlin'.' she straightened herself back up, but only half-glanced at aaron when she spoke.
Hurricane Kim Chapter 16
There was a commotion, and then a new, older, male voice came from the same direction as the first. you do not smell familiar! identify yourself!
Anthem Of The Lonely - Act 1: Corridors Of Time
A few looks of disbelief from the older men. "we will meet your demands, dragon. but for how long?" "for as long as i live." thea growled coldly, almost hearing the table of elders grind their teeth. "as for you two."