Scion 2nd Edition Intro
This purview's innate power lets you move through the wilderness with a dryad's grace, ignoring any difficult or dangerous terrain based on dense undergrowth, fallen trees, briar patches or similar plant-based hazards.
Aurora Borealis
Decades pass as the wilderness of the peninsula slowly gives way to fields and orchards.
Cursed Ruins: chapter 1
There are also tales of greater beasts within the wilderness that i have yet to see due to staying close to the road for so long.
The Hunting
They were tired and they had spent most of the day hunting out in the wilderness: it would be no use to continue wandering there. they picked what they had hunted and started making their way back towards the camp at a slow pace.
Canine Punch Out.txt
The crowd was going wilder at the expression of violence this had brought.
My Blind Son
I don't mean to brag, but i get compliments, and back in my wilder days a few one night stands (one of which was how ty came to be) and i can hold my own in a fight. the only thing i do not do is jogging.
Game Over Chapter 4 Saizo and the Princess
"kingdom of wilder, kingdom of caliber, kingdom of cheese, what the hell? oh wait here it is." he thought to himself as he approached the gateway. well this was it.
Servant to a Naga - Beginning.
His backyard seemed endless, with many a garden tended by servants, leading into trees that could almost be considered wilderness. but everything had a designed look to it, a neatness you did not find in nature.
Surface (Chapter 10)
Questions as to how he'd been going to stay alive without any wilderness survival training, how he'd been going to catch prey when he'd always found hunting repugnant, whether he'd known how to start a fire or not, whether starting a fire would have meant
Fates of the Ferals: The Fall
"okay, so that's what you call getting both you and your brother lost, apart from each other, out in the wilderness. and what was the rest of your story? you couldn't stop him from going off chasing a rabbit?" mitch clenched his teeth.
The Bedtime Story
David, that was his name, loved wandering through the forest all alone every night, exploring the wilderness, learning about all living things. this day however, he decided he would leave his well-used path and find somewhere new.
Chapter 7: Worlds Divided
"the sea around the island is inhabited with dangerous wilderness that could take a dragon's life in an instant. i may need to talk to him. anyway, yrelka, can i talk to you in private? you boys can talk to each other."