Welcome to the Society: Hope & Doubt
In summary, after the elder fur pushed her in front of a large piece of reflective glass, ilethia found a very cute fox girl, with blood red fur the was long enough to show a little bit of curls in it, red hair to match the fur with far more curls and far
"The Thin Line," Part Z
He began to read from the scroll, which turned out to be a summary of the board of enquiry's findings. most of it was factual.
Hawt Proxy Part 3
We separated, simply holding paws as she kept going with her summary of the night, and then one of the greatest spectacles i had ever seen walked by: pavel svrbada, with a pretty wolfess on his left arm, and a sexy, curvy german shepherdess on his right.
Between Winters, Part XVI
#19 of between winters brief summary for new readers: rhania is a young vixen with a unique ability: she sees magic, not only in objects but in all things living.
More than Kin, Less than Kind: Chapter Five
#5 of more than kin, less than kind more than kin, less than kind: an undertale story pairings: chara / frisk; chara / asriel characters: chara dreemurr, asriel dreemurr, frisk dreemurr warnings: mature themes, references to past child abuse and violence summary
Azerite Lore Dump 1
In summary, azerites are natural warriors and technicians capable of not only surviving extreme environments, but also carrying out extreme tasks without much risk.
A Nimbat's Napping
#29 of personal works summary: after choosing a branch to nap on, the nimbat fidget gets a rude awakening from an over-eager plant.
Rendezvous, Part Two
The dreadnought's science team was able to come up with a summary of the situation in a matter of minutes.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 10: Prelude to the Apocalypse, the BLACKFANG unit's motives!
I plan on adding two things, first a preview summary of what happened last chapter so the readers don't have to go back and reread anything in case they forgot something or in case i take my sweet time submitting another chapter of dragon storm.
A Place to Belong - Chapter 27
Also remember that i've also posted a character summary, where you can find details on various characters that appear through they story. i will be updating this as well in the future.
A Palce to Belong - Chapter 26
Also remember that i've also posted a character summary, where you can find details on various characters that appear through they story. i will be updating this as well in the future.
Staying for Dinner
#2 of personal works summary: ofenna finds herself forced into a feral form, marketed as a pet, and adopted by a caring family. things seem fine until she's taken to visit a friend with an exotic serpentine pet...