The Dragon's Garden

After a few seconds full of tension, the stranger raised the ball and jason extended his paw, taking it cautiously.

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Chapter 13: Long Lost

Even the stranger at the gates had warned her not to come here. she looked at azrian's distant eyes and already missed the soothing warmth of her light.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 6

This fox was reaching out, trying to convince his people to trust a group of strangers, hated by their own kind, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't understand _why_.

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Legend of the Stone Dragon

The noble, in his wagon, spotted a stranger on the side of the road. he was dressed in a heavy cloak that hid all his features. the noble stopped his wagon and asked, "where are you going, stranger, and do you need help?"

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Dragon Spawn Book One

After the little struggle the stranger introduced him self as chris. "chris what are you doing in the dark wood?" asked crystal. "i'm hunting the black dragon." "black dragon?" i asked. "yes.

Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 1-A

The stranger seemed to stare longingly at him with piercing yellow eyes, reaching a paw out to him before passing out right in front of the kitsune's eyes. miles blinked uncertainly, not sure what to make of this as he stood up.

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The Fire Child: Chapter 3

The streetlights from outside the alley were causing too much contrast for draden to make out much more than a vague shape of the shadowy stranger. the stranger was coming closer; draden retreated further under the large coat.

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Venture - Part 2 - Freedom, Fake or Not

How could she be so obedient to a stranger she had met in a few minute's time? smirking at this, he slumped off the rock, and looked out to the road.

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Danger in Hidden Water

The rabbit, very frightened by the stranger's strength, dropped the letter, which was picked up by the feline before it hit the ground.

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Four

It would be safer to retreat and wait for the stranger to leave, but... the possibility of food was too important to pass up.

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_alright, getting into a car with two strangers and they're driving an alcoholic stranger to a town of strangers. nothing weird about this,_ he thought. "nice jeep," he complimented stiffly. "don't think i saw many of those up in the city?"

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