Power Fur Rangers- Episode 13
She suddenly stopped and hid the feather as she heard the snake warriors slithering her way. she changed her expression to one of being sad as the snake warriors looked in on her.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 19
Episode 19 "Twisted Evil Pt.1" By Furry Sith Lord Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your Ground. The Fight is Tough, But We're Behind...
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 15
Episode 15 "To Tame A Dragon Zord Pt. 1" By Furry Sith Lord In Loving Memory Of Jason David Frank. Movin in like lightning, You never know what they're gonna throw at you, Don't give up! Just Stand Your...
Master Viper's secret prison
"viper," hissed the other snake. "i too am a viper. unlike you, i have fangs." he spoke the truth. he was a thicker, heavier snake than she was, stronger and more muscular.
Saving the Spirit !~(Suprise Easter Special!) Cracking a Hard Shell
"it was this snake!" he announced happily, holding it like simba from the lion king. his friends looked a little surprised at first, but eventually all got a turn to hold crowley.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 02
The red power fur ranger punched the last remaining snake warrior and as it hit the ground, it broke into numerous tiny snakes that slithered off in different directions. a few seconds later they faded and vanished from existence.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 07
The snake warriors charged at the power fur rangers as the winged ape sat by and watched.
Too Much Narcissism
The snake hissed, knowing he claimed victory, only to grunt when rexar lifted his right foot and slammed it against greer's face. but the snake didn't fight back.
The Cat's Stroll 15
As for li ling, the snake race's sense of smell has always been a bit special, so maybe this close to the likely source, she too was feeling some of the effects that kyu cao previously showed.
The Cat's Stroll 13
The snake threw a discrete glance to her teammates, and found that they too didn't look too reassured. if something they had figured about the cat, was that until now he most likely had leaded a pretty sheltered life.
The Cat's Stroll 11
At the snake's patient explanation, kyu cao regarded the beast core on his paw with curiosity. the snake didn't explain it, but he could infer that this rock was the congregated shape of a martial beast's cultivation, its qi taking physical form.
The Cat's Stroll 09
There was some helplessness in the snake's voice. one characteristic of low-level beasts was proliferation. especially ferocious beasts, most species in this forest tended to act in packs, with numbers of dozens, even hundreds.