Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 15

It acted like it was real. it fought to preserve itself, but wasn't that just part of the rules? how could he be sure it was real without... (_tasting_) ... testing it?

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Not a Lonely Work | by KitsuneJey

"a real friendship makes a real difference", adam added. "and there's always hope that real meanings and differences can be stronger than any beautiful illusion", jey replied.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 36

Almost everything in this world that was not him was not real, and everything that was not real was nothing, worse than nothing. it was unimaginably cruel. it was evil. what would happen to her?

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2811042 Blackraven2_the_shrink

"it's not real." steve said. "nothing is real. it's all fake!" daniel once more covered the microphone. "what does he mean by that?" "the game world. the ai's are trained in a virtual world, a game.

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The childhood part 1

And we call your universe the real dimension. what does real mean to you?" "it means it exist. if i said something was real, it means it exist and is an object, gas, liquid, and such and such." i sounded like a scientist for a moment!

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 36

Almost everything in this world that was not him was not real, and everything that was not real was nothing, worse than nothing. it was unimaginably cruel. it was evil. what would happen to her?

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 47

"because what i want... whatever i want... is real." "you made me real." banno kissed the top of her head, ran his fingers through her hair, smelled deeply of her aroma. he could taste it. he could feel it... she wanted him to do it...

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

"i am real," banno growled. "more real than you." "y-you?"

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Pokémon Journey (pt 1)

Gonna travel across the land (exactly the same as the 6th line of the real song) searching far and wide (same as above, except for the 7th line rather than the 6th) beat pokémon, the world unmanned of people opposing i.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Fourteen

"this isn't real!" i said again. "what are you talking about?" jade asked from ethan's bedside. "of course it's real!" i looked at her and shook my head. "jade left five minutes ago. you're not real either." "stop this nonsense!"

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Chapter 18

"not real! not real! it can't be real!" craig sobbed, falling back onto the floor beside her as the shadow continued to loom over them, "'re dead!" "craig!" mary shrieked, as her body disappeared into the blackness, "save me!"

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"spooks aren't real jason, this is real." the jay stopped at the doors, considering, "no, i can see them. they're just as real as us." theo swore, and began piling objects to make a barrier he could hide behind. "come with me," jason said.

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