
He felt himself crawling to the side of the raft, about to reach into the sea for water when he caught sight of the sea creature once again.

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Winds of Fate: Homecoming

#7 of darkened seas they say, you can never go home again and poor timothy has learned that first hand.

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I love you... (old story)

I cried silently and turned away from you and wiped my eyes, and you said, "it's such a nice night out, and the ocean is beautiful." then your gaze went from looking out upon the ocean to me. and you went on by saying, "what's wrong, wolf?"

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Trial by Error (Dogs of War 2)

Itemid=944 day 1: 0800 hours, springfall atoll (piax ocean theater). "goddamnit! not again!"

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The Darkness Within

The aroma of the sea makes me take in deep breaths of that wonderfully sent. the gulls calling to the sea and the roar of the waves fills the air with such grace and wonder.

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The Eternal Emperor

There were three rows of huts and beyond, the ocean. not as grand as the emperor remembered it. from out at sea he could hear the unmistakable, high-pitched chatter from a call of humans swimming past, accompanied with splashes as they leapt.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale

Callyco tossed a glass bottle into the ocean. the orange kitten in a lab coat then put his hands on his hips as he watched it drift away into the ocean. "we're littering now?" dr. cutie pup asked. "what no!" dr. callyco huffed.

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Remember Me 1 - With Eyes Reflecting Sunsets

"sea serpents have an exceptionally-refined sense of smell and they are familiar with the scents of the sea. once they are born their innate senses allow them to race for the nearest ocean."

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Chapter two The Bad Storm

John went outside and looked out over the vast ocean thinking of what the orcas could be after.

Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

The next day we boarded the rhapsody of the seas, beginning our journey to alaska. it was a day at sea and the day after that we arrived in jenuae where all we did was shop.

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Hatchlings: Chapter 18

Obviously, they were afraid, seeing the ocean for the first time. 'come on, tasin and edward! let's play! don't be afraid of the ocean!' dehious yelled.

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The Mosquito Boy - The Law of Mosquito

They lie upon a lake in the center of the ocean, warping when the sunlight strikes them, but not so when the moonlight illuminates the small lake in the middle of the ocean.

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