Tales of Azoria - Chapter 11

So, he can still be hurt, it's just the scales that can't be damaged, azuri thought to himself before throwing the log at bossbiss's face and flying over him. bossbiss yelled loudly from the sudden impact of the log.

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Genetic Children-Log 23 - Dreams come true too.

After ever so quietly sawing through one of the cuffs that held his hands, he started work on the other one without moving too much. Emu was still unconscious at the time so he was working on slowly, quietly freeing himself. He was sweating,...

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Genetic Children-Log 22 - Tired Mistakes are Sometimes Good.

**More of a journal entry really its not big enough to call a chapter but I had a few extra minutes outside work today so I put in some Ideas that have been floating around I am still active, I just work wayyyyy too much. Sorry about the shortness...

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Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.

Korm awoke in the car, but something immediately struck him as wrong, the sky seemed to be where the ground usually was, the sun was going down, or up depending on how you see it and the last thing he remembered was being knocked out in hospital. ...

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No longer alone.

She bellied her way out from the small depression she had hidden in, her flank brushing the log-pile and threatening to bring it down on top of her.

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The Weight: Chapter 14

"you can get yourself killed if you want to," she said bitterly as she moved to collect the log stretcher, "we're taking jason home. come on, erik."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 9

Forgetting about his injuries he used both of his hands to push himself off the log and jump onto the ground. something crunched underneath his boots with a sound similar to cracking ice.

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The Outlander 2 18

It'll be nice to see log-a-log flugg again. does anybeast else have any other suggestions?" "well i do know cheek's going to beg me to invite george stag hare," said mattimeo. "any relation to basil stag hare by any chance?"

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Who Coulda' Guessed? WIP!!!

I pulled up into a cul de sac with an "a" shaped log cabin on the right and a very modern house with a huge deck on the left. the flag on my gps told me it was the cozy looking log cabin.

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A Very Interesting Discovery - Part One

He concentrated the goop from the two glands at either side of his maw, and then spat the flaming liquid at the logs.

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The Interviews - Wulf Draqnis

"not only did i see the visitors log," the interviewer said, going back to writing notes, "but i saw that noire got you out. she paid guards to release you. have you ever wondered why?"

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Episode 11A: Into Darkness

"note it in the log," harry smiled reassuringly. "it's nothing too unexpected. go ahead and prepare to launch a buoy with the ships current status and logs." terri nodded. "i'll see it gets done, sir."

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