Wolf Rock - Ridley and Raina Take A Detour
"ignition!" ridley hollered, swerving to the opposite side of the road and swinging at the mailbox as hard as she could without losing control of her vehicle.
File #6
"but the drive plasma with ignite with the methane in the atmosphere!" "i know..." "yeah..." said strato, realising tempest's plan almost immediately. "you want it to look as if we have been destroyed... that's a very old trick commander."
Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (4)
"alright," ray sighed and ignited the lightsaber, "i'll give it a try." "no, try not. do or do not. there is no try. that is what my master taught me, and that is what i will teach you. let go of your doubt."
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 36
Anger suddenly surged through banno's skull like a flash fire, igniting bursts of pain just behind his good eye. valery. sweet, innocent little valery. she needed his help. she needed to be set free.
Chapter I: A Boy and His Crocodile
He turned the ignition key. the boat started up as the propellers started and he drove forward into the sea. he reached next to him and grabbed a lever, he pulled it and the roof above him open.
Across the Rift 11
He ignited the weapon with what appeared to be a clumsy flintlock design. it was clear that these were prototypes, as the weapon exploded in his hands when he attempted to fire.
Shadow of a Doubt
Max gasped and re-ignited his power to avoid the incoming strike. slapping it with his hand, he realized his powers weren't fully engaged and the bolt struck him back and knocked him to the ground again. "ouch!"
Forgotten Friendship Part 2
I felt each scale rubbing along my own, the friction igniting the smoldering embers into an explosion of heat threatening to escape on my breath. i took a step back, our scales no longer touching, my heart slowly calming down.
The ink in the corner bubbled and the paper that it was printed on ignited and began to burn, spreading across the top.
Kira's bad day
I spit the alcohol, which has ignited in my mouth, at the throh as a makeshift ember attack. the embers got into the throh's eye. it's grip loosened as he screamed in pain. but this opening only lasted a moment, which is all that i need.
BOG Origins Chapter 1: Memory In The Fog
The tiger sticks the key into the ignition and with a quick turn starts the car, puts it in drive, and slams his foot on the gas speeding into the clearing straight down a trail.\* vance: whoa...that was exciting huh?
Chapter 15: The Ball and Chain
As marcus got into the driver's seat, started the ignition, and put the van in drive he made no eye contact with alex, who sat leaning against the glass window of the passenger side, arms crossed and face buried in his own chest.