Character's Weapons

It's a gentleman's pistol and is his first choice for an open carry environment such as certain parties where fine suits are a must. it's a favorite range gun and lends itself very well to target and trick shooting.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty Nine

"what a gentleman," i responded, but my voice was hollow compared to his. i stepped inside, followed by dex, and we found ourselves in a great big room. you could have fit an entire apartment complex inside this place.

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File #7 - "Revolution"

It appeared to be the face of a gentleman in his mid-thirties. a human male who possessed a certain compassion and kindness within his eyes but the lines on his face told a different story of the harsh conditions that he had endured.

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Monstrous Fangs

I looked to my left and saw an older gentleman sitting on a curbside bench. he had thin, graying hair, wrinkles like a road map on his face and hands, and he was wearing a fairly nice outfit. i nodded. "thank you, sir. i'll check right away.


Chapter Six (Angie)

I say, "such a gentleman." "you're welcome. and what're friends for?" i smile. he's just so nice. "i thought we were more than friends?" i tease. "we are." bruno leans down and kisses my head.

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A Special Day

A gentleman, if that's your fancy? we don't judge here, we just sell flowers!" "shut up and give me something red." "something red? has my friend gotten in trouble? no matter.

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Luka's Adventures: the star fox series

"alright gentleman we have just landed." they looked at me puzzled. "you mean this junk box can fly?!" wolf yelled. "don't call her a junk box!" i yelled back. then i stormed out of the room through the main door.

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A Romantic Night

He helped her by scooting her chair up to the table after she took a seat and was rewarded with a, "such a gentleman." before he sat, jay stepped around the corner and came back with a small bottle of red wine.

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Meaning "Serpent Lady"

"surely a gentleman like you isn't implying that i've gained weight, are you? you hungry?" "my most sincere apologies...though i'm quite peckish for a leg of mutton, or perhaps an entire deer. do you have any of that?"

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This is me. A Dragion's Lair Challenge: Puma Concolor

Always the gentleman, but always just a bit an imp." "one late night a sweet young voice called him on the radio and introduced herself as sweet pea.

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The Damsel and the Deserter

"yes you did, you are quite the gentleman mister fox" pix chuckled as she pushed the door open with her foot, "would you like to come in for some hot coco my sweet?" pix asked as she removed her boots leaving them by the door.

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Strategy: It's hard to come by

That felling stayed firm until anthony had started acting gentlemanly towards her. maybe that was why she was now secretly fawning on him. he had acted towards her with the utmost respect.

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